What tools if any Do you carry on your helmet at all times

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Just a light.
holy water to give last rights to a down fire fighter if he is a c/c or not . or a vampire like you said!
Just a Streamlight Vantage helmet light. Anything else I need goes in a pocket; stuff on your helmet is just an entanglement hazard.
It's worth every penny, and then some.

Honestly, nothing. We wear a tradtional style helmet with the leather shield, and I used to carry door wedges behind the shield. After having them dislodge a half a dozen times and fall out, I quit! I used to have a flashlight on my helmet, but every time I turned to talk to somebody when it was on, they were blinded by the light. The flashlight is on my jacket, and the wedges are in my pockets. All are easily accessable, easy to find, and I'm not blinding anyone. I do however carry a photo of my wife and children inside my helmet liner. When things get to sucking bad, it helps keep me centered.
Dollar Store led light strapped to the upper portion of the chin strap.
I carry 2 door chocks on the left and a garrity light on the right. Both in a band made from an old inner tube. My chocks are just wooden wedges and the garrity light is really cheap too and easy to replace when it gets burned up and melted. 
I don't carry anything on my helmet, my neck appreciates the even weight on my head! lol
Flashlight on the left side, leatherman multi tool on the right to balance the wieght, and sprinkler stops in the front next to my leather.

Streamlight C4 Helmet flashlight, and the Rescue Wedge useful for so many things

I carry 1 wooden door chock secured to my helmet with a rubber strap from an old truck tire inner tube and I have a mounted LED Streamlight. I agree with the other members here that what's ON your helmet is no where near as important as what's IN your helmet.  Firefighting is changing dramatically each and every day.  This is a "Thinking Man's or Woman's" job now so keep your head sharp, focused, and on a swivel.

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