Side Alpha Street Side with Fire Location

Aerial View Side Delta

Side Charlie

Side Alpha Initial Arrival Operations

Side Alpha, Smoke Showing
It's a nice and quiet Saturday morning. The sun’s shining, clear skies, slight breeze and very comfortable temperatures.
You’re washing the engine with your crew, and the bells come in. The dispatch is for a report of smoke in the building. The caller states they smell a strong odor in their store. Dispatch also states there are reports by passerby’s in the street that smoke is observed coming from the roof of the occupancy by cars in the intersection.
• The address is for a commercial area with business and older strip store and mall occupancies built in the late 1960’s.
• The location of this alarm is for strip center of stores that was recently renovated.
• The building is thought to be a combination of Type II and V construction. 280 ft. x 60 ft. at the widest end (Side D).
• The immediate area is fully hydranted, the building complex is not sprinkler protected.
• Your alarm response is typical of what you have in your jurisdiction as is your staffing level.
• You have a five minute response time for the first-engine company
There are very unique situations and issues affecting this complex of stores, configuration and construction.
What’s obvious upon your arrival?
• After studying the aerial images of the building and occupancy setting, that are being posted on your computer screen in the engine cab as you respond or are also in your pre-fire planning book that you refer to; What influence on strategic and tactical incident actions will the building have on your assignments?
• What Tactics have you found to work successfully at similar incidents?
• What doesn’t work or should be considered when engaging in combat fire suppression at commercial occupancies of this type?
• Looking at the roof profile and building and occupancy layout; What are you seeing? What are you concerned about? and how will this affect tactical operations?
• What’s the Safety Concerns and Risk Profile?
• All Hands are going to be put to work. What do you need? When do you need them? Where do they need to go? What are you going to do?
Let us know what role and responsibility you're taking for this incident. If you'er assuming a Tactical Role, gives us further insights related to interior or exterior operations....