How many junior and explorers think that the senior members just get here to run there mouth and talk bad about us????

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I guess the more appropriate question would how long will this type of posting be tolerated by site management and the members of FFN? I do not make it a habit to go looking through discussion threads about explorers unless I am looking for a specific issue that we are having at my department to try to get info on all sides of an issue to make an informed decision. Now, when a subject line like this one pops up on the main page as one of the most commented topics of the day I feel a need to look. When I see a posting like yours I wonder how long your cadet/explorer advisor would let you stay around with such a public display. Being a former cadet I know when I was one if I had made such statements I would have been tossed the next day.
For more on this type of warm water...

Who says that there are no lifeguards in the gene pool?
I think we all should stop and try to learn as much as possible from our senior members... As cranky as they can be at times they have a ton of wisdom we should take advantage of...
That was a funny video. Was the first laugh I had today.

I understand that dealing with us can make an senior member cranky.. that's what I'm saying.... Us young guys need to just shut up and learn or atleast that's what I try to do.. Learn whatever from whoever I can.. I want to learn as much as possible
It is not you. You know how it goes you get one bad apple in every bunch.
Mr. Allen I am going to put it simple to you. and you can take it for what it's worth because I know your kind never lasts in this service. I am going to say what most others here have not and I don't care if you get offended. I guarantee you this won't be the last time. All other Quote Juniors that know your role please don't take this personally.

At the age of fifteen you are not even old enough to be a Jr in the state of PA you would be a Cadet. In the whole scheme of things that essentially makes you lower than whale s##t and with your attitude you will never get your head out of the water. On your profile under Training you state you have lots in the past. Well do us all a favor and man up and let us know what it is you could possibly have trained on. I'm not going to brag but I have grown up at the fire house as my father also was a firefighter but I still don't consider those years as years in service or part of my training. I as well as many others on this site have been training and fighting the fight since before you were even born. OH and yes we have the certificates and knowledge to back it up. You also state you have 1 year in the service. I can't believe you have made it this long and With an attitude like yours you probably won't make it to two years.
We senior members would give anything to help those that are willing to learn and listen to words of wisdom and or experience. Do yourself a favor and if you don't learn anything else. DON"T LET YOUR ALIGATOR MOUTH OUT RUN YOUR HUMMING BIRD ASS CAUSE IT WILL JUMP OUT AND BITE YOU.
In ending I have one word for you and without giving it you will never get any.
Well I jumped in head first now it's your turn rfdjumper
Very well put!

I wish mine sounded as good.
your showing your age and mentality.
In all Honesty Keegan, If you can't take constructive criticism , you obviously don't belong on the department, they only trying to save your ass before something bad happen's and you dont seem to realize, No matter how much the guys pick on you they always got your back, as long as you know what your doing and you stay out of the way when needed be you wouldn't and won't have a problem.
Thanks for clearing that up. Sounds like a great program. Probably lots of good candidates come up through the ranks.

As for Junior Allen - he doesn't warrant any response. He wouldn't last through lunch in any of the FDs you and I know. Stay safe bro


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