Should a fire department use unmarked fire vehicles verses identified vehicles?

Recent FFN discussion revealed that in some jurisdictions, some fire department vehicles are intentionally, and often times at great expense, disguised to look like an everyday ordinary Joe Citizen vehicle. 

  1. Is being "low-key" of value to the fire service? 
  2. Should we choose generic colored vehicles to blend in with hidden lights and sirens like the law enforcement detectives? 
  3. Or, should we use identified vehicles that have conspicuous markings identifying the vehicle as being a part of the fire department? 
  4. What does your department do?

This takes stealth to new levels... taxi-police car...

This is out-of-the-box thinking I suppose...

There's always the good ol' Ford Crown Vic...

Is it really that "stealth"?

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Mebbe so we can sneak up on the fire?
As ridiculous as what you say sounds, it actually applies to my department. People ask us, why are your fire engines white? I've heard all sorts of reasons from high visibility to safety issues. But in reality, the decision was made because at the time, it was less expensive to go with a generic white body. So we now no longer have red fire trucks... but we do have blue stripes, on everything. Go figure, the bean counters ended up making the final decision for us years ago.
Interesting "out of the box" perspective Jay. I knew there had to be other reasons to justify not being obvious who you are. This is the first one that kind of makes sense in a paranoid kind of way...
I think CBz is grey to match his hair (JUST A RUMOUR I HEARD) LOL
Some of our volunteer chiefs had a unmarked vehicles. They preferred not to draw any attention, but were basically on call 24x7.
Why did they not want to draw any attention? What was their justification?
The only reason the fire department needs unmarked cars would be for fire investigation. That is the only thing that I can think of.
Well it could be fun to park on the shoulder and hang a blow dryer out the window
What about the vehicles being used for other business other than fire dept business or maybe booty calls when they have their own POV?
I think that all vehicles should be marked Police, fire what ever. Whats the deal even the unmark police cars you know its the police. Let the people know who you are!
Wow old discussion but it was featured so here goes. Having marked vehicles obviously draws attention from the public. Sometimes it may be good and shows the community were still out there and always ready. IE: fire prevention and inspections, representation at town functions, etc. But as mentioned it has downsides like being targets for MVA's as well as being more scrutinized for squeaking through traffic lights or other traffic offenses that may be normally overlooked.

The only fight I have with using unmarked vehicles is over-use and abuse. The neighbor to our station is a LEO Detective two towns over and gets to bring his vehicle home. Often times he and his wife pile in and head out for dinner or shopping on the fuel expenses of the taxpayers. Also, it has been seen where he allows his son to cruise around the block, without him even being in the car. Obviously a lack of judgament and morals, but these instances show how unmarked vehicles are an even larger risk, IMHO.
Irony is so underappreciated.

"Should a fire department use unmarked fire vehicles verses identified vehicles?'

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