I am going to try and word this as clearly as possible.  But sometimes the thoughts from my head do not translate correctly on paper.  If any clarification is needed please let me know and I will do my best.

With a 2 or 3 man crew does anyone operate that once the pump is set and the line charged the pump operator goes to work, either by joining the man on the line as a second firefighter with a 2 man crew, or begins to ladder the building or complete other tasks on the fire ground while the other 2 firefighters are on the line?

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Are you kidding? Does your department do this?

Nope...we're fortunate enough to have the manpower (volly) so the pump guy can stay with the pump. He'll help grab tools/equipment when needed, but that's it.

Not on a department, just a question I had

Have trained on 2 and 3 man operations, and have performed 2 and 3 man operations on several departments on many occasions.

Still happens with my volunteer department quite a bit until mutual aid arrives. Happens on very rare occasions with my combo (full-time) department.

It happens. Are there times when it works and can be pulled off, and you can save the exposure from an exterior fire or even stop a small fire or an incipient room and contents fire? Yes. And there are also times when you have to look at the situation and determine that you are not going to make a difference with what you have, and the risks are simply to high with that limited staffing, so it's better just pull hold back and wait for the rest of the gang or mutual aid.

Also works for vehicle fires, trash fires and small brush fires.

The trick is this is the type of operation that you do not attempt to conduct with it rookie or inexperienced personnel. If you are going to commit to an aggressive operation with 3 personnel, they better be experienced personnel that have the ability to muti-task and have the experience to recognize that conditions may be changing recognize that a time may come to pull out.

Once the pump is set, if you are flowing a single line, I have no issues with the pump operator throwing ladders, setting up a fan, humping line at the door or conducting coordinated horizontal ventilation operations . Again, this type of operation is not for every crew and not for every situation. Rescues or small fires when a quick hit can stop it early.

Mr. Callahan, 

Thank you for the reply.  I appreciate the insight and knowledge.

Stay Safe

For a local paid department this is normal. They have 2 stations for the city, with 2 to 3 per station. I talk to one of the guys regularly and he says it works well. Of course they are all well trained, would have to be a lot more carefull in our volunteer department, we'd have weigh the risk.

If someones life is at stake yes if not no

Spent a number of years at beginninng of my career operating as a two man shift.  A two man engine company worked okay for car fires, dumpster fires or even initial attack on a room and contents. Usually more manpower and equipment would arrive within the first five minutes. As the pump operator I could then return to my truck and stay there for the remainder of the incident. Our department has since grown from those days of a two man shift to a four man shift. We would like to add another two per shift but money not available yet.

in my vol. dept the driver is the one who operates the pump regardless on how many people we have or we dont have unless of course a life is in danger but if not that is where he stays my chief has suspended people for that multiple times  

Use the search function, please.  There are several similar conversations already on record here.

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