  • Male
  • Milford, MA
  • United States
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Sparky3317's Page

Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Job Function
Firefighter/Driver Operator
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
A local fire department
Years With Department/Agency
1 1/2 years
My Training:
MA EMT-Basic
Firefighter 1 & 2 Trained
Multiple MA Academy Classes
Multiple FEMA online classes
In house training with all departments
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship

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At 8:56pm on June 20, 2010, WestPhilly said…
If you're not a Vet you'll have to ace the test to have a shot. (Not as hard as you might think). Good luck, kid.
At 8:42pm on June 20, 2010, WestPhilly said…
I'm working right now - OT! Just finished a nice steak dinner and looking forward to a job later tonight. (Hopefully 1st in)
At 8:27pm on June 20, 2010, WestPhilly said…
What are the odds! I actually have family that live in Milford. Small world.
At 10:12pm on May 28, 2010, C said…
I think 12 only lets people from UM-CP into their program. I want to do the one at UMUC, but I will call them. Thanks. I am coming out in July, so I'll stop by.
At 5:07pm on May 28, 2010, C said…
Does Kentland have a live-in program for college students?
At 8:57am on May 11, 2010, WestPhilly said…

I've always said if I didn't do this job for pay I'd do it for free. However, what motivated me to take the job in the first place was the fact that it was a job that payed well and had good benefits. What keeps me doing this job is still the pay and benefits and the fact that it's a lot of fun. In all honesty it's really not about helping my fellow man. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.......).
At 12:48pm on May 9, 2010, Jack/dt said…
Everything I need is issued to me.
At 12:36am on May 9, 2010, Jack/dt said…
Anything you need should be issued by your department.
At 10:09pm on May 8, 2010, Mac Conant said…
Hello Brother! I was at one of my many jobs today (Advance Auto Parts) and looked for a expoxy that could handle high heat. Do I need to be that picky when finding some epoxy, or am I going to be ok with just about any sort of epoxy? And I also was looking into using car primer and engine paint. The kind made for high heat. Bad idea or no?
At 1:24pm on April 20, 2010, Emmet said…
Mr. Murdock,
I haven't seen a copy of the Massachusetts law, but if it requires a siren whenever the lights are on, I would encourage you to ask your State legislator to amend the law to allow you to use lights only.
Do you know any Michigan firefighters? They could do the same thing in Michigan. Eventually the law would be more consistent from state to state.
I suppose you already saw a copy of the Texas law. In Texas, the siren needs to be audible only 500 feet. If firefighters in Massachusetts want to keep the siren, another option would be to reduce the volume so that it is audible only 500 feet, not a mile.
The important thing to remember is that hearing-impaired drivers can't hear a siren at all, no matter how loud it is, but all drivers can see flashing lights.

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