Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans on Thursday derailed a bill to aid people who got sick after exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse in the Sept. 11 attack.

Supporters were three votes short of the 60 needed to proceed to debate and a final vote on the bill that would have provided as much as $7.4 billion in health care and compensation to 9/11 responders and survivors. The bill failed on a test vote, 57-42.

Fifty-seven Democrats voted for the bill and 41 Republicans opposed it. Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader, switched his vote to 'no' at the last moment, a parliamentary move that allows him to bring the measure up again for a vote.

Backers of the legislation see this lame-duck session of Congress as possibly its last chance. The bill has passed the House.

Republican senators have promised not to consider any other bills until the Senate acts on funding the government and extending tax cuts.

The defeat was a huge blow to New York and New Jersey lawmakers who have long fought for the measure, arguing it's morally wrong to not do more for the health needs of ailing 9/11 responders and survivors.

"We should not have to wait for tax deals to do what's right," said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a lead advocate of the bill.

Facing long odds, supporters will try to attach the 9/11 bill to the legislation that emerges from the tax deal. They'll also press for another vote once the tax issue is settled.

Critics questioned whether the bill is affordable and does enough to ensure that only people with illnesses related to trade center dust get help.


Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Sorry but that is really a low blow to those who responded to the disaster. These fat cat politicians give themselves raises each year, wish each other Merry Christmas and enjoy their health care on your tab. You as emergency responders put your lives in danger. There are wives without husbands, children without fathers and mothers because of 911 and your govt will not reach out to you. At least not until it gives a tax break to the rich. UNBELIEVABLE!
This is how our politicians thank the heros of United States darkest day. They expect us to risk our lives to preserve the lives of others yet when our health is at risk and deteriorating from a job related's just to expensive? Maybe they should consider pulling our troops out of this bullshit conflict and redirect some of that $1 billion a week to our cause.
Once again all their rhetoric about taking care of those who took care of us during our darkest hour proves to be empty promises. I guarentee, you will never see them or their family members run into a building that rats and roaches are running out of to save and preserve the life of a complete stranger.
THANK YOU AGAIN TO THE SENATE AND CONGRESS FOR SHOWING US EXACTLY HOW MUCH YOU APPRECIATE OUR SACRFICES. Watch and see who they call when flooding strikes Haiti or there is an earthquake of epic porportions somewhere in the world.
USAR teams and Swiftwater rescue teams that are made up of those same Fire and EMS personel that are too expensive to care for.
I love my country,have fought for my country and retired from the USMC. But our politicians leave alot to be desired and piss me off on a daily basis.
Time for the IAFF and every Fire and EMS person in our country to stand up and be heard....we need to shove this bill up the Senates ars sideways and pull it out with a pike pole.
I'm sorry if my thoughts and verbiage have offended anyone...if it did toughen your skin and learn the meaning of "BRAITHRE THAR GACH NI"
This has nothing to do with "NO RESPECT" for responders , it has to do with a Congress who for the last 2 years has voted this county into Trillions of dollars of debt and for the last 10 years has done anything to plan around the tax cuts coming to an end. We [Americans} cannot afford the tax cuts going away, plus we need a a health aid program that really benefits all responders and not a knee jerk...Imstead of the wining why not get off your potato couch and get your demo congress to act for extending the tax cuts and a balenced budget, then you will see the rest of the budget get discussed and voted on.
No to OBama heath care, No to earmarks and no to more debt and more taxes
Wow, thank you glenn beck!
I'm sure, of course you know it was the republicans who refused to vote for the bill. I guess your repubs don't care that much about the 9/11 first responders.

And as for the tax cuts going away, unless you make over $200,000 (which I suspect you don't) you aren't (ain't) going to lose a thing.
you realise the CBO consistently scores "Obamacare" as a deficit reducer, right?
Understand the vote on this is almost always a straight-line partisan split. The Republican Party has decided to make this a political issue and would rather slap first responders in the face than give Obama a victory, even on a no-brainer like this.
Don't bother, Jack. She probably thinks her taxes went up this year, and dosen't even know that earmarks are less than 2% of the federal budget.
Disgusting. Utterly disgusting.
Bet if this was for a bunch of politicians they would pass this.....
Bet if this was for a bunch of politicians they would pass this.....

This did pass Patti, it was signed a few days ago.....the article is old and there is a newer one discussing the passage of the bill.

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