Our Denver affiliate ran a story tonight on scene safety.  The person interviewed said at the end, "They signed up for it so they should help."  Meaning secure or not you come in and help.  Not sure on this one.  I added the link.http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=162817&catid=339

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Fisher had been shot during a party where he and the alleged shooter were both intoxicated.

I'm sure this tidbit also has nothing to do with the situation either.

The person interviewed said at the end, "They signed up for it so they should help."

Sorry, I did my time in the military, I now signed up to fight fires and help people in medical situations without being shot at. I understand doing the job in the fire, I have the training, I have the proper equipment, and I know how to do a size up. When it comes to shootings, that is a police matter where they have the training, equipment, and knowledge, that is the job THEY signed up for....not me.

However, back to the first part about the intoxication....I'm sure words were said and so on which led to the shooting, but really folks it is also about some damn PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY as well. One don't get yourself in the situation, the one who can absolutely control such a situation is the person involved here. I've had enough of this blaming other people for your stupidity, I did NOT sign up to get shot at and I have no responsibility to risk being shot at to save your stupid ass. I will wait for the scene to be secure. I didn't cause the emergency, I'm looking out for number one here first......I'm no good to you, nor anyone else if I get shot rushing into an unsecure scene.
If it isn't safe then you don't go in.....NO DISCUSSION ON THIS....end of story. You have limited resources...and we don't need #1 Our people getting hurt or worse...#2..We don't need additional "victims".
but really folks it is also about some damn PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY

And that sums it up.

Why didn't the "friends" haul him to the medics?

It does appear that EMS may have been a little to stringent on their policies. Notice I said appears. Based just on this story. Because personally, if the cops are on scene and say come on in, I'm going in.
Like mentioned earlier, I'll go in as long as LEO say it's ok, or "come on in". Don't need to hear the words"scene safe". I don't want to be the one laying on a cot on my way to the hospital, or worse.
Agreed Ralph.

How many times do we end up helping to restrain a combative patient? Not really our job (at least fire) but still we do it. Drunks, OD's, even diabetics.
#1 Protect yourself

#2 Protect your crew

without you or your crew being safe, when the **** hits the fans who is gonna save you and your crew.
Great feedback. I totally agree with you. Thanks.
Yep. I can't believe that these people wanted those firemen and medics to even think about risking their lives.
Excellent point Mark.
Well said Bryon.
Chalk this up to Public Education. We need to do a better job educating our "customers", so they understand why we do things the way we do them.
I agree that our safety comes first for the most part, but in this situation I don't think it was handled well. Even the Chief thinks that there was a problem. If there were 30 cops on scene and the room was cleared, we would have definitely went in. Maybe it's just the mentality that we have out here, but it's what I would have done.

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