Our Denver affiliate ran a story tonight on scene safety.  The person interviewed said at the end, "They signed up for it so they should help."  Meaning secure or not you come in and help.  Not sure on this one.  I added the link.http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=162817&catid=339

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Scene safety is always first, thats what we are all taught, that is nation wide, even WORLD WIDE People need to understand that. If the people coming to help you get injured or killed, what good are they to you? We're having problems in my state over this same type of issue
If it isn't safe then you don't go in.....NO DISCUSSION ON THIS....end of story. You have limited resources...and we don't need #1 Our people getting hurt or worse...#2..We don't need additional "victims".
So to be the devil's advocate Paul, why do so many on these forums think it's OK to perform searches in structures that are way past safe?

Why do we continue to put members at risk in one aspect of our trade, but on others (such as this discussion) we draw a line and say no way!?
Because we have some leaders that have grown up in the "old ways"...the attitude that the fire is in there and I have to get to it.....even if the structure is way past saving....I went to a seminar that a Captain from FDNY was giving....He showed us photos of fires and asked what we saw....well everyone was trying to show their "knowledge" and came up with all kinds of correct terminology and scenarios....He looked over us smiled and said "Yes, you are right, but I'll tell you what they have here....they have a new parking lot, they just don't realize it yet." Maybe that's why our LODD's haven't gone down in the past 20 years....
This is what was drummed into my head for all of the classes that I have taken..... You stage until the scene is cleared
Firefighters have enought to do without fighting others -
I agree we often forget to weigh the differences whether it's worth it or not. Life is always over property and unfortunately we have to weigh the life or our own. Flames are too big then there's no way I'm sending someone in to risk if there is no chance of survival. Great point.
I did hear that the department did make a change in their policy and now when the police officer calls them in, they can go in. The officer doesn't have to specifically say, "Scene safe." They may say just to come in.

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