im not gripping just asking what all of you think yes or no, i vote yes we should wear them

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Okay Paul what color should our S C B A tanks be
Mike.. I have found that the vast majority of the posts here on FirefighterNation have fallen into the stupid, idiotic and ridiculous categories... whiskey tango foxtrot?
This says a lot about the "training officer" Ringold15 claims to be...

"studying for fire fighter 1 class that im helping teach"
I would be studying too, if I was "training officer" after only 2 years. Can you imagine !!!!

To add, his first top issue facing responders is "smoke inhalation".
Cut him some slack. After all, the only requirement you need to be a "firefighting expert" is a set of turnout gear and internet access.
We don't really get a vote. It's SOP for our department.
alright i guess i cant post anything on hear for ANYONE to talk about without getting bi'ch at i know it plain to see that we need to were them IM NOT STUPID and for your information im not the best speller and i dont figure the rest of you are, once again i didnt ask to be put in the position im in but oklahoma state sure dosent have a problem with it and my fellow department members voted me there just like they did appoint me to the board a year ago all im doing on here is generating talks.

thanks to all the ones who replied
Really!!! , it's a must, car fires, overhauls, structures, chimneys fires etc. (not brush fires) You ask Yourself, who will pay for my cancer operations, treatments and wait oh no the bills ? not your chief, captain or friends, but You and Your family. So think when responding about the people who have cancer,lung conditions, and ask Yourself do I need a pack !!!!!!!! I don't care what my officers say,
" it's fine You don't need a pack " We don't have one....... Think please.

Here's an example of what happens when a firefighter is trained by someone with only two-years experience and no fire science training background... whoops...

OK seriously... I'm on board now, having read both your profile Ringold15 and of course the comments that were made since I asked the simple question, "Why post the obvious?". I noted that you have the title of Fire Captain and that you were voted in as the training officer. Only two years and teaching FF1, while taking it for the first time, and as the departments training officer? Step back a second and read what I just wrote... Does this not strike you as totally ridiculous? What were you thinking when you accepted a job that you clearly have absolutely no background or knowledge to backup what you are suppose to be doing.

I can call myself a Fire Captain, but only after I worked as a firefighter, paramedic, engineer, inspector, etc. This is the part about volunteer fire departments that I totally do not understand. In my world, one studies, takes exams, and openly competes against other firefighters to be promoted over time. In other words, I had to actually earn my bugles. While I appreciate the fact that you were "voted" in by your department, it still leaves me wondering just what they were thinking assigning the job of training officer to someone who quite frankly is not prepared to do the job?

I have little respect for your department placing you into such an awkward position. Why on earth would someone on your department with more time, experience and training take on the position. It leaves the very distinct impression that your department is more of a social club, and not a real fire department where public safety is paramount. Placing an untrained individual into such an important position will continue to do nothing but generate increasing animosity from those of us out there that get it. It's amazing that folks in your community have no clue what an idiot your Fire Chief must be for entrusting the job of fire department training officer to one who clearly is ill prepared to do the job.

You might want to consider manning up, and resigning from a position that you have no business being involved with. At least that's how I see it with minimal effort reading your posts and profile. I don't think you are stupid Ringman15. I think the people who "voted" you in as the training officer are a bunch of lazy fools who don't take any of this seriously. Maybe you can lead by example, taking the job seriously enough to acknowledge that you are WAY OVER YOUR HEAD...

Considering that I am now retired after +30 years... now, which kind of gives me some license to give you enough shit to hopefully wake you up buddy. Do the right thing... Let someone else take over the training officer role, and put yourself into a more appropriate position as a rookie firefighter, NOT the training officer.

I sure hope you take this the right way Ringold15... This is just so wrong on so many levels... and to think I never even discussed the liability factors should someone on your department get hurt due to training issues. Which again leads me to believe that your department does not take what they do seriously, after all, they promoted someone with no training or experience to be the training officer...
thank you sir as i do respect you and you exper. i also am wondering if you took thime to read my complete profile, if you did you will see that i am not a rook and that i 562 hrs of traning and i have already have ff1 and two and if the rest of my dept. has the faith that i know more than they do as far as training and fire ground ops i will cont. to do my best to bring them training and lead by example and by the way you are the most in touch person who has posted so far
my hat is tipped to you
562 hours of training and how much real-world experience?

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