im not gripping just asking what all of you think yes or no, i vote yes we should wear them

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THAT, my friend, is the question to be asked. Thanks Ben.

Like I have mentioned in an earlier post; I could have a hundred cert's in my folder, with hours upon hours of training time. But without actual experience to go with them and continual upkeep, they might as well be used for bird cage bedding.
ZAKMAN - THANK YOU for bringing that to the attention of ANYONE who thinks that wearing a breathing apparatus is not necessary! One only needs to read MY profile, to see that you are absolutely right, and quite franklly, it disgusts me to see others with perfectly good lungs (for now) abusing them, when there are others out there that need a new pair of air bags. Folks, I am living proof (for now) of the bad that quite likely WILL come to everyone for not taking as many precautions as possible when doing this job. The real kicker is, I ALWAYS used mine! ALWAYS! In fact, I took much flack from the older "smoke eaters" because I DID take the time to use them for the most innocent (if there is such a thing) calls. It really isn't worth NOT using them. Honest it's not! Capt. Busy once again, makes perfect sense and I just wish and hope that the owner of this thread will heed his advice .
Please us spell check, capitalize the first word in a sentance, use apostrophe's. Think about sentence structure. Always capitalise "i" when describing yourself. Get a dictionary. Resign as training captain and don't start any more discussions.

Silly me, just reading your header statement on your profile page, "studying for fire fighter 1 class that Imo helping teach" which led me to believe that you were taking it for the first time and concurrently teaching it... I was wrong with my initial impression... whoops... my bad.

562 hours is a lot of training and to be honest, very few departments actually do all the things that we train as firefighters to do when called on... that is why we train, and in your departments situation, I'm going to switch gears here now that I understand your situation a little better, let me know if I'm missing anything here... and please forgive my absolute dead on bluntness.

* your department is taking advantage of someone who has the energy and desire to make a program better than it was... even though you only have two-years on the job experience.

* while you may only have two years on the job, you still work a full time job, and spend most if not all of your off duty time devoted to doing things to better prepare your department for things when they go wrong...

* you can't spell worth a damn...

* your topic choices also suck pretty bad...

* you are doing your best to not lose it and tell people to fuck off... you are here to learn and take advantage of others expertise...

Have I missed anything?

If you have any questions or need help with setting up training evolutions or need powerpoint program development assistance, please feel free to drop me a line. Anyone who is a working man or woman, and volunteers for their community, for free... to work as a firefighter, and asks for help to do their job better... my hats tipped back at ya...

As far as spelling issues, get a Mac. Misspelled words are underlined in red. You can't mess up. As far as syntax and sentence composition, again, take the time to use programs like Microsoft Word and run a grammar / spell check. You might note that the general tone here on the FFN is to actually type out your thoughts and not treat the posts like a messenger texting account. Additionally, as the training officer, it's really important to develop both you hands on skills as well as your communication skills. You may not be able to be a nobel laureate speller and writer, but you can make the effort to better yourself and be the professional you strive to be.

Train as if your life depends on it... because it does!

Doesn't matter as long as the polka dots are lime green.....DUH....!!! Thought everyone knew that...............LOL
Dear isn't your fault...don't take it personally....I don't blame you...really I don't......BUT, Your Chief must be a freaking idiot....2 years in...squat for training, can't express one's self and making him the training Officer.....Makes sense to me...........DRIVE ON....
Yes wear them. Us old timers already have the carcinogens in our lungs, let's help protect our new guys!
CBz, There are firefighters in my department that have 562 hours of training...every year for 10 to 20 years.

I'm thinking that no amount of training can make up for the lack of real-world experience that limits a two-year firefighter's knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgement...especially for a training officer.

Then there's the lack of written communication ability...I wonder what his lesson plans look like?
Yes, But most of the time we don't.
White becuse white is the best S.C.B.A. bottle color and becuse the yellow one just don't hold air like the white ones J/k
actually, wouldn't it be better to have the bottles chrome plated? you know, reflective heat and such...?

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