WOONSOCKET, R.I. (AP) -- Union officials are questioning a proposal by Woonsocket city leaders that would bar firefighters from having second jobs.

City leaders are concerned that recent layoffs in the fire department will put additional strain on firefighters who could face forced overtime.

City attorney Chris Lambert tells The Call of Woonsocket that moonlighting firefighters risk additional on-the-job fatigue and stress. The new rule, if approved, would take effect in April.

Firefighters union President Lt. Steve Reilly questioned whether the city has the legal authority to prohibit firefighters from moonlighting, or how the restrictions could be realistically enforced.

The city may also eliminate the policy of sending engines on rescue runs.


Information from: The Call, http://www.woonsocketcall.com

Read the Full Story on the Call Site: Woonsocket bans firefighter moonlighting
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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How is it there business what a fire fighter does off duty? Is it their fault that the city had lay offs? I doubt that these city " leaders" only have one job also. I don't think they will have any luck with trying to enforce this policy. Also what's up with not sending an engine on medic calls. What happens when there is a working code and only 2 on the medic unit? That is just asking for trouble.
We got a clause in ou contract last time around because they were trying this with us. THe clause basically says that as long as the other employment does not interfere or prevent you from giving your complete energy, they cannot do anything about it. Ie: if you plow all night and are always needing to go to bed, they can stop that.
Thats BS!!! It will never hold up in court. If they force ot why layoff ffs in the first place?
I feel for you brothers/sisters. Firefighters are underpaid as it is!
good luck with this one city just know it about the money. that would not work here in little rock
If they are going to ban second jobs due to "stress and fatigue", then why not ban them from softball, water skiing, snow skiing, or anything else one might do on their day off, that could be construed as stressing / fatigueing? In the city's defense however, the "job" should be #1, not the part-time / second job. No stating "I have to be at my other job".
Wow, whats next, no drinking when off duty just in case there is a call back? How about getting approval to travel out of town? Pre approved elective surgery? Why dont we just draft these firefighters into the Army, sounds like military thinking up there in Rhode Island. How ridiculous. Bet they wont give them a $10,000 a year raise to make up for the income loss!
Typical, run of the mill, ignorant politicians sticking it to the Fire Department yet again!
If the city is willing to schedule OT to replace the laid off firefighters, many firefighters would probably make more at time and a half than they make on their PT jobs. But if the city attorney is worried about additional fatigue and stress, overtime at the station is just as hard as a PT job.
Someone needs a management course before they layoff emergency services next time.
yes, it's typical but why would you want to work part time if you work so much overtime? live within your means and go home and spend time with your families!
Just another example of city "leaders" sticking there noses into business that they should stay out of!! Just because the "leaders" sit around all day and don't know what a hard day of work really is, doesn't mean that they can control what other people do on there own time. Great example of people (leaders) sitting around "thinking" to much!!!! Just let them do there job and leave them be!
How is it when a Valunteer dept guys can work at a fire all night and get back and have to go to work the next day how can he do that does his work place say you cant be a volunteer anymore becouse u are fatigue and stress now come on if so we would have to make it that all fire dept have to be full time what do the think about that its time to wake up
Unless it is agreed upon by the union, I do not believe The Mayor can ban them from working a second job as long as it does not interfere with their "NORMAL" work hours. This Mayor, who is supposedly a real PIA, is communist if she thinks that would fly. I would think her idea actually impinges on Constitutional & Federal Labor Law.
I have a friend who is getting laid off because this Mayor claims the union negotiated in bad faith. The guys were actually working overtime shifts for Comp Days--not pay. The Mayor actually wanted to lay off over 50 guys, but was stopped by a Judge who stated it would cause an obvious adverse impact to the public's safety. Still waiting to hear more from him.
RI has some serious unemployment and income issues, but I hope the brothers can come out on top somehow.

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