I've been working out for about 3 quarters of a year and I have not seen too much progress compared to my friends who use supplements in their workout. I know that the department that I want to seek requires a CPAT and I wish I was more physically developed. What would you suggest for a great supplement for me after my work out.
-20 pushups/3sets
-curls 35lbs/2 sets
-lift bar 25lbsbar+25lbs on each side

I know it isn't much and i'm trying my best to get better, but i'm not seeing the improvement any suggestions? 

-only upper

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Hey Brother sent you a message on Protien...TCSS
Protein doesn't make you stronger. I'd suggest a better workout. Search the internet and you should find plenty. That's what will help you.
Hey, Just a little info. for you that I found using the same method you could have used.

Anyway, check it out, and look further nto it.

Just an FYI, Consumers Reports (July 2010) did a study that showed numerous protein drinks contained heavy metals and contaminants, some above limits set by the USP (however, they are not required to follow those standards) including arsenic,lead, and mercury. Excessive protein intake can also cause its own health problems. They suggested the best way was to go for protein from natural sources like milk (23 g protein in 3 8-oz glasses), eggs (20 g in 3 eggs), meat, etc..

Similar studies have been done with multivitamins - often showing no improvement to the health of the person, unless they had a specific identified deficiency.
Size will come but it takes discipline and a lot of effort Focus on the core combinations moves which include dips, bench press, chin ups, dead lift, squats, up right rows and clean and press. Everyone develops differently you need to do what works for you. Protein drinks are good there are different types of protein depending on what you’re trying to do fast absorbing or slow I use a whey protein taking two scoops ½ hour before my workout and two scoops after my work out. I also have two scoops first thing when I get up. I have a cup of cottage cheese at night before I go to bed it’s a much slower absorbing protein. What you eat is important and when you eat is critical. Eggs are real good I have 5 eggs mixed in a smoothie that contains spinach bananas yogurt, flax seed orange juice and berries. Do some research, talk to some fitness instructors, remember it won’t come on fast it takes time and everyone develops differently what works for me may not work for you, and keep to the basics

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