At a recent association meeting, We had a "discussion" about posting company photos on the internet. The subject being photos from the recent officer's party. We have a bar in our firehouse. People posted photos on various internet outlets and were reprimanded because over the bar we have a mirror etched with our company symbol.

Before people start in, realize this, I am not asking whether or not you think having a bar in a firehouse is right or wrong. I'm just asking what your company's SOG is on posting photos over the internet.

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We don't have any policy or SOG pertaining to such acts within the Fire Service here... at least that I am aware of.... as a Municipality at least in Canada this would also likely fall under FOIP, and the Municipality and Administration has policies and guidelines in regards to FOIP and being a department within that Municipality would have to abide by those Policies and SOGs
Well that calls into question, "What exactly is incriminating?"
Where is the line drawn?
A firefighter drinking out of uniform in a bar? what about in the firehouse? what about IN uniform IN the firehouse?
follow these rules when asking any question like this and you are good to go...

"comments, actions or things that a reasonable person would find offensive"

break one of these rules and you have answered your own question...

tcss, mike
We don't really have a SPOKEN policy on this. But it is common knowledge that if it gives the Department a bad name, it probably shouldn't be on the internet.
In the firehouse or not, If you want to paint a picture of what a lot of people think firefighters are, then by all means post them. If you want to open your department to lawsuits, then by all means post them. Check out the link.
We have no policy in effect. Perhaps this could have been avoided if the mirror with the company logo wasn't behind a bar?
I would recommend that only your "PIO" should post any pictures taken in/on/of company property. That being said, if you feel any picture taken by anybody could possibly be embarrassing to the dept, that activity should stop.
My department's policy on this would fall under our releasing information to the media policy. Anything to include photos are not to be released to any form or medium as department communication unless approved. Now I know some will say, this wasn't official department business, but the department must protect it's image. That image is what builds the foundation for public trust, then our actions and words add onto those building blocks.

My department does not allow any cameras, and especially the new helmet mounted video cameras. The only documentation in a photo will be done by a Chief Officer or the Investigation Team.

I can't wait to see the first lawsuit in which someone sues a department over something a lawyer portrays as failure to act, or insufficient tactical operations all caught on a digital helmet mounted camera.

Imagine a firefighter gets into an accident in his POV and had a single beer, (still well below the limit) and a lawyer finds your photo of an etched mirror behind the other incriminating thing... paints a great picture of your organization when it is already on the defensive.
Have to agree with you on this one Brother.....I firmly believe as does our department that "What happens at the Firehouse, Stays at the Firehouse".....Don't need the bad press or the risks that it may pose if something happened.....Paul
Are you talking paid or vol there differnt sogs for each of them i think and if they are not showing any thing incriminating i see no harm
I saw pictures from a recent party in its town local paper. Pictures were posted on the website of this department, pictures with perhaps the new Chief's wang hanging out, very drunk firefighters, stories of perhaps the last Chief being ousted because he would not allow the young firefighters to drink and party... the same department that had to put a stop to cetain drinking events after a drunk firefighter caused an MVC.
I see you're in Jersey, so assuming this isn't your department. In light of their actions, and their website being suspended, and an investigation into their Chief who is a fulltime firefighter in another district.. I would keep any and all non-work related photos off websites.

As far as I'm concerned any pictures of firefighters partying and acting like idiots do not belong on the department website. On our association website there are pictures posted from a Reunion dinner and the ba after the yearly parade. All in good taste, all appropriate.

We do have an SOP regarding who can speak with media, who's pictures can be used, etc. We don't have an SOP regarding what you post on your own site, but one would think common sense would prevail. And if the pics in question are from the same department I am thinking about, it reminded me of a bunch of kids with ZERO common sense.
Nice. These situations are pretty much violations of the laws of common sense. I couldn't imagine a photo of someone who is "hanging out with the wang out" making a website, makes zero sense.

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