I am having a really hard time convincing my fellow firefighters to wear SCBA at a car fire...

i've seen a picture before that has a car exploding on a pair of firefighters with the words.... "this is why we should wear SCBA"


however... i've looked everywhere and cannot seem to find it. can someone please upload it to this discussion so i can put it all over the station. would be much appreciated.


i'm getting sick and tired of my fellow brothers acting like heroes. and i know it's gunna be me who ends up hurt cause of their mistake.


Thanks guys!


F/F Van Tilburg. Moe Urban Fire Brigade, VIC, Australia.

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Tyler, I know how frustrated you are. They put a whole new meaning to the phrase HERO TO ZERO!
I know that these people who refuse to wear the air, are seriously in for a rude awakening someday. Please ask them to read my profile, and even get in touch with me if they want to know how it is to try and live without a good pair of functioning lungs. Ask them WHEN (not IF) they find themselves unable to work and support their families because the lungs were destroyed by inhaling smoke (especially smoke from vehicle fires which are equally if not more dangerous that interior) if they are prepared to deal with it, without burdoning the health care system? Ask them why they would be so selfish? When these people's kids are finally old enough to be setting out on their own, starting their own families, or just wanting to go to university, but can't, because now they are forced to stay and look after their sick parent..just because they would not wear the scba.
I suspect they are gonna give you a helluva a hard time. Its like trying to convince smokers to quit because its not good for them..
The best thing for you, is to always wear your pack. Protect what you have. Just be better than they are. Eventually they will be out of the picture and as newbies come in, they are educated right, and quite frankly, are already smarter than those who are already in the job. It will become second nature, because they don't know any different if it is drilled into them right from the get go.
Good luck.. stay safe.. and don't breathe ANY smoke. EVER!
Oh and for the record.. I always wore my scba. For everything!
Here is a link to a video on YouTube, looks like a run of the mill vehicle fire....until the nozzleman starts hitting the interior.
Share this with them, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxRJIOJqP3I&feature=related

Wear full PPE at ALL FIRES regardless.

Be Safe.
SORRY Bro. Age dont matter if you see someone being unsafe you tell them . We will sind them HOME ..IT IS A SAFETY ISSUE>>>>SAFETY FIRST I have been a cert. firefighter for 20 + years if someone younger than i am tells me i am being unsafe i take it to heart..
SAFETY FIRST. I dont care what there ranking is, pluss if thay are being unsafe and or not traind thay shouldnt be an office
I found myself in a similar situation as a probie when I went out in the tanker with the Deputy Chief not wearing his seatbelt. Which is law. No discussion. No personal opinion. Law. I was fortunate to have the burden taken off my shoulders when the CHIEF reminded everyone that seatbelts WILL be worn by everyone. It appears that it worked.

We have a poster in our hall (actually SEVERAL) about wearing SCBA from "WSIB" which is the Workplace Safety and Insurance Bureau. Also known as "workers compensation". One shows an attack team (wearing SCBA) putting out a car fire with the title "Small but just as deadly".

There is another one that shows a mature/seasoned FF's face... (two photos split together) half wearing his PPE with SCBA and the other half, looking VERY ill and only wearing a medical oxygen mask.... the title reads "Which mask do you want to wear?"

I'll see if I can dig up a link.

I don't know if the Aussie government is similar to our Canuck government in that our Ministry of Labour has inspectors that can show up at fire scenes (especially if they have been tipped off that there are chronic safety issues - hint hint) and FINE the individuals, their Supervisors, the Chief and the Town/City for not wearing their appropriate PPE at scenes. They can use news photos as evidence for their charges as well.

The fine in Ontario for a Supervisor (Captain, Chief, whatever) not ensuring their people are working safely averages around $20,000. And that is charged to the individual. The department or union cannot pay the fine for them. If the MOL Inspectors dig, they will often find other violations such as training deficiencies, expired certifications, PAR/accountability systems not used, etc... Each thing is a seperate charge. CHA-CHING!!!!
If a firefighter dies or suffers a critical injury as a result of negligance the MOL charges alone go through the roof and can even involve prison time! Criminal and civil implications are able to be added on top of that.

A HUGE motivator for those that don't have common sense or a brain... they do have a wallet!

The main focus is to WORK SAFELY.
I understand and can sympathize with your plight, but you should discuss it with your Officer and get his/her permission before you post anything around your Firehouse.
I will add my two cents ...................
GOOD ON YOU MATE , its great that someone so young is trying to look out for his crew , keep working on them I have had similar things happen when i started too but if you keep at it you will get there , My first crew told me not to worry about BA at car fires too but I have always worn it and i will wear BA at any time that I feel it is needed ,
Like I said keep up the good work mate and you will see that you can make a change cos change starts with one person being prepared to take something on ..
There is another video somewhere (part of a training program) which shows two FFs working a car fire. They are overcome by explosion and flames, but wearing PPE. They get knocked back; but recover quickly and are back at it. Without the PPE; they would have been toast.
What does your Chief, or safety officer think of your predicament?
tell me about it. we're a volunteer brigade which i understand... but we do the same job as the career firefighters!
I'm in a volunteer brigade. The captain is the man in charge. however he is probably one of the most unqualified firefighters in our brigade... and it's not like we are a small brigade either. we are one of the busier volunteer brigades.
I plan to go higher up the chain and talk to our district officer who works in another town but should be able to help me out.
you are the best bloke ever!! thankyou heaps!

see if they notice this when i hand it out.

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