FAIR HAVEN - The fire chief who jumped off the Oceanic Bridge Sunday night took the plunge after crashing his chief's car into a utility pole in Rumson.

It took rescuers from about 16 agencies to pluck Fair Haven Fire Chief Shaun Foley from the chilly Navesink River Sunday night.

Authorities said the 27-year-old was driving his chief's car and struck a utility pole in Rumson. Police said Foley walked away from the scene and was spotted on the Oceanic Bridge.

Police said Foley jumped into the river when a police officer urged him to get into his patrol car.

Foley was in fair condition at a hospital.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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I would be curious to know the rest of the story, but 27 years old and a Chief? wow!
My thoughts exactly.
Maybe his father was a long time chief - it's genetic, you know.
"Too much, too soon" for a 27 year-old chief? I'm sure he was duly elected. (Probably had 15 years on the job, too.)
I wana hear more abo this one
This must be the chief's car referred to: http://www.fhfd.org/gallery/albums/userpics/10004/1366a.jpg
Makes you wonder if alcohol was involved or a possible head injury?
ok lets hear the rest of the story. my question why was he driving the car?
All these replies and yet I am the first one to say this:

I wish the Chief a speedy recovery from his injuries and whatever demons made him jump. Coming together in a time of need is what we do, or at least what we are supposed to do.

Also lets us not for get that thanks to websites like this one, incidents like this are no longer local. Having national attention like this has got to be tough on his whole department.

Now, He does sound young to be a Chief, but sometimes we do not get our positions because we are the best, sometimes we get them because we are the best option. So I will not criticize him for being young, any more than I want to be criticized for not being so young anymore.

Also if (and this is a big if) there was alcohol involved, the jump is not all that surprising. The number one jailhouse suicide profile is a white male, under 30, 1st time DWI offender. These are the people who often feel that such an arrest will ruin their lives. I would think that such an arrest in a department vehicle would magnify that tenfold.
Wow, now that's a scary thought!

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