Effective immediately, you are permitted to carry ONE item in your bunker pants pockets. That is NOT one item in each pocket; that is one item PERIOD. This policy has become necessary because many of you can barely move, due to the weight of what is being carried in pockets. If you are caught violating this policy, I will confiscate everything and open a hardware store. Chief.
So; the question is: what would be your ONE thing? One. That's it.
Permalink Reply by Russ on November 19, 2009 at 5:40pm
my first response (as a ff who is really interested in going home alive) i would say that any items (within reason) that you carry that enhances your ability to operate safely should not be a concern of the chief-AND IF IT IS-why is it necessary for the troops to have to carry so much? I carry a black bag with the following, 2 door wedges, 2 allen key sets (folding kind) metric and sae, spare flashlight, rain x no fog for the scba mask, chalk for marking, ear plugs and an N95 mask. in my turnout pockets a section of webbing and a brass police whistle(try yelling at a scene)....i only took what i needed out of the bag when i needed it depending on the type of call i had a clip so i could attach it to my scba belt
A fire proof cell phone, so that when I get lost or seperated I can call someone for help, as they have yet to create a fireground radio that is worth a 79 cent roll of toilet paper.
My Gloves. I gave up trying to carry everything I thought I needed a long time ago. However, I do drive a command/quick attack so I have everything I need at hand. Besides, my crew will bring everything thats needed with them.