We are in need of 2 new trucks and could use a third. First, our brush truck is an '84, on its second motor, third tranny, and breaks down every time it leaves the station. The only time it is used now is when we have a structure fire. Would you buy a truck with a utility body to have compartments or get a regular bed and drop in a skid unit? We also want to be able to have seating for more than 2 members. Second, our engine. It is 20 years old and it has oil leaks, power steering fluid leaks, and the water tank leaks. We want a custom cab. The third, we dont have a tanker. We could use a 3000 gallon tanker, but have always used our pumper/tankers to haul water or used another tanker from mutual aid. What would you buy first? If you were going to buy two, which would they be and why? Thanks
For the brush unit have you checked with the state forestry service to see if they offer surplus vehicles from the military, state or GSA.
I guess one thing is what the financial situation of your dept to buy apparatus? Fund raisers, funds from your county, state, federal or grant money? Have you checked the websites for good used pumper or pumper tanker or just a tanker or combination of apparatus.
Sounds like ya'll are in a little bit of a pickle. I'm assuming your a smaller department on a tight budget. Like ashfire said, grants and any financial assistance are awesome. Are ya'll looking into buying something new or used? First, the wildland truck. Brush trucks are death traps in my opinion. Modifying trucks to do what they are not designed to do are never a good idea. I would look into wildland vehicles designed for the purpose of fighting fire. Good used engine's are not hard to find at all. Just make sure you look it over VERY well and get all of the maintenance records and pump test records to look at. Tankers are in the same boat with the engine. And which one to buy first, that's up to you. Look at what you run the most. Look at what you need the most. Everyone needs a good engine though. Go wild with that one, then step down to what you need next. Hope I helped, ya'll have a Merry Christmas.
We have a truck for sale its a pumper/tanker
1993 HME Quality
1500 tank
1500 pump
Like with our department when we decided to upgrade a truck we looked at our calls. And it was pretty simple we run more brush fires than structure fires. So we just put into service our new grass unit. If you run more structure fires I would upgrade the pumper truck. Me personally I would go with a 3000 gallon pumper/tanker so you can serve dual purpose. That is what my department is doing when we find out how much our grant money is after the first of the year. Our 2600 gal tanker is a mid '70s and our pumper truck is 45 almost 46 years old. Hope this helps.
It all depends on what your call volume and types of calls that you run and what your funding is. As far as the apparatus I would say a custom built brush unit overthe slide in, it gives you more room for equipment and is more purpose built. I agree with the other posters that a pumper/tanker would probably be a good idea.
I agree your best option may be to look for some grants. We've found that it is very useful to incorporate a professional grant writer. They know the ins-and-outs of writing grants that give you the best shot at getting the funds. Many of them will write the grant for you and only take payment for doing so if you get it. You've got nothing to lose. Apart from that you didn't say what kind of budget you've got so not sure what other options you have other than talking to your taxing district to make sure they are aware of the need. Apparatus purchases are something I feel should be the responsibility of those in charge of the districts finances. It is their obligation to provide trucks and fire stations through whatever mechanism funds your departments operations. It may mean looking for help from your state or taking the need to your tax payers who live in your district. It is a life safety issue that they must take care of. Fundraisers are for the smaller stuff. It's not reasonable to think you will make $50,000 or more off a spaghetti dinner fundraiser.
If all else fails...I know there's been a lot of caterwauling, pissing and moaning about it but in the absence of any other funding perhaps you need to discuss an annual fire protection fee to be paid by the property owners in the district. If the choice is funding a new truck vs not having any working truck at all....I think most would be open to helping finance a good used pumper. Especially if they can see you guys are struggling and not just looking for fancier trucks.
I agree with the other post. Take it from someone who has been there, home built trucks are very dangerous. Safety is more important than any other issue. When I first became chief, we had only old military surplus equipment converted to serve as fire apparatus. With the help from grants and other creative funding, we have replaced all of this equipment with vehicles designed for fire service. For starters focus on one truck at a time, like mentioned before your call volume will tell you where to start.
I have been chief for 12 years and will receive the last replacement engine in late January. So unless you find a bottomless money pit, you will have to look at this as a long term project If you are looking at applying for an AFG ( we have received 3 ) make sure your department is in compliance with all of the requirements and by all means, get help writing them.
The used option is sometimes your best bet. A new commercial cab engine will cost $200.000 - $300.000 Custom cab will likely start around $300.000
A comparable used truck will be less than half that. I would recommend using a used truck dealer if you can. They will often warranty the trucks they sell, plus run them through a maintenance facility for a check up as well as perform an annual pump test. Brush trucks can be bought new for a reasonable price, but often the most cost effective method is to buy a new cab chassis and sent it to a brush truck manufacture and have it built to fit your needs. you should be able to do that for a total price of around $50.000.
There are some advertisements on here from different companies who can give you prices.
We used Cooper Creek MFG in Oklahoma to build our brush trucks, and are waiting on delivery of a used engine from Brindlee Mountain in Alabama, to replace our last old truck. you can look at our web site to see the trucks we have now. 12 years ago we had a 1958 and 1969 model engines and everything else was home made. (the 2010 E-one, was one of our AFG awards) www.caneyvfd.com If you want any more information send me a message on here.
Good luck and don't get in a big hurry to buy something that really don't fit your needs.
Am I the only one wondering why a junior firefighter is out shopping for fire engines?
Maybe you are the only one who looked.
Maybe he is trying to pass info to his fire company to look into. I would think every member has the right to provide input for good of the company.
I am a member of the board of directors in my fire company and I will listen to what a member has to say and pass that info to the rest of the board and we will sit and discuss if its good or bad.
If the poster is authorized to discuss the department's apparatus needs and to bring to them solutions and suggestions, then I am now much less concerned with a junior shopping for fire engines and am much more concerned with a department that would (or has to) rely on the advice of a junior fireman.
Jack, I will post on a subject if I feel I have something to offer. I never look into who posted it, b/c it doesn't matter to me . With as many members as we have on here, there are other people reading it also and maybe someone will get some benefit from the post. Why beat up on someone for asking questions? At least it was not about our favorite color!!
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