Maryland County Opens Nation's First Volunteer Fire-Rescue Recruiting Station

ROCKVILLE, Md., Oct. 16 - There is a National decline in overall fire-rescue and EMS volunteers while at the same time there is an increased need in every community for more volunteers. The Montgomery County Volunteer Fire Rescue Association (MCVFRA) announces the first ever volunteer fire-rescue recruiting station to meet the needs of the 19 volunteer fire and rescue departments in Montgomery County.

"The nation's first volunteer fire-rescue recruiting station is a novel approach to getting our residents, our community members to become volunteers in their neighborhood volunteer fire-rescue department," said Marcine D. Goodloe, president of the Association. 'We believe this recruiting station will be critical in adding new volunteers and growing our capabilities."

The new store-front recruiting station, opening in November, will feature the volunteer experience with hands-on activities and current volunteers available to answer questions and share their experiences. "This is a walk in off the street, see what you can do, and join your local fire and rescue department experience," said Eric N. Bernard, executive director of the MCVFRA. "The need for volunteers has never been greater and the time never better for our residents to join their community volunteer department. We need you, we want you and here is a way for you to walk in and see what you can do as a volunteer," Bernard added.

The Recruiting Station is conveniently located near downtown Rockville at the corner of North Washington Street and Beall Ave. The station offers hands-on equipment including a fire engine cab, fire hydrant and hose to hook-up, fire gear and other equipment that potential volunteers can try.

"Our goal is to encourage community members to get involved in their local volunteer fire and rescue department as new volunteers," Goodloe added.

Each of the 19 volunteer fire and rescue departments in Montgomery County offer volunteer opportunities ranging from firefighting, emergency medical technicians (EMT), paramedic and emergency medical services (EMS), responses to dive rescue, collapse rescue, administrative and auxiliary services. Various skill set areas are also available, from entry level experiences as firefighters and EMTs to fire chief level - all volunteer positions.

Interested residents don't need to wait until the recruiting station opens in November. For more information, please contact 301-942-0100 or stop by any of the volunteer fire and rescue stations in Montgomery County.

The Montgomery County Volunteer Fire-Rescue Association was formed in 1922 to represent volunteers in the County. Today it represents more than 1650 professional men and women volunteer fire, rescue and emergency medical personnel who volunteer in the 19 volunteer fire and rescue departments in Montgomery County. The volunteer personnel are highly trained, and each dedicates many hours each year providing active emergency responses to the community. SOURCE Montgomery County Volunteer Fire-Rescue Association

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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i like this idea not a bad thing to do for any companies in all areas
I think that this is a fantastic idea... Here in Suwannee County (FL) the emphasis has been just the opposite. People are not encouraged to join up as Volunteers. Here the County is basically mandating Firefighter 1 with EMT certification. That is just too much for many people who wish to volunteer to handle. With Dept. business meetings, Dept. training meetings, responding to calls now they must attend classes two or three nights each week or all weekend long.

We are a rural County with no hydrant systems what-so-ever. If we can't put it out with what we have on board chances are the structure will be lost. If a volunteer can arrive on scene and atleast make some effort to stem the spread of the fire, what is wrong with that? They do not have to make entry, other units will be right behind them to do that. If a volunteer can respond with a Tanker full of water, what is wrong with that? Does he/she have to be a Firefighter 1 to bring water to the scene? I am not against volunteers being Firefighter 1's and I encourage those who wish to be to strive to become one, but.........

As mentioned, the needs of the volunteer fire service are not being met, people are not being encouraged to join their local Departments and in many cases, such as our, are being discouraged. The Fire Service needs to understand that there is a place for anyone who wishes to "volunteer". If it's dragging hose, bringing water, manning the ambulance, traffic control, Safety Officer, gopher, let those who want to serve become part of the Dept. I'm sure I'll hear a lot back on this one... Don't be too critical. :)

Jim O'Neill
You are so right Jim. We are in the need of just some Volunteers to help us at a scene whether it is a fire or MVA. Our Med calls are usually covered unless it is a code then you can use the standby help just to be availible in case something else comes up. We have 2 paid guys per shift and they are great but you can always use more help. I know I am in need of help at any scene, but we can do the job. Just like it to be alittle easier. This is a good idea and something to think about. Keep the faith.
Good idea
Good idea.
This is great and the longer we go without blowing the vol. horn the worse it gets. The govt. wants to bail everybody out and that train of thought leads to let someone else do it or pay me. The state of Ga. is redoing thier rules for beiong a firefighter, as of right now you have to take fire training within 12 months of signing up to stay on a dept. or the dept. faces decertifacation. They have a class called support firefighter which is 9 chapters of the IFSTA manual but you have to take fire training. We are losing out on vol. that don't want to fight fire but want to do medical or dive or do rehab or a lot of other things that really need to belong and be able to be paged out and covered when called. By being so narrow minded we are running our vol. base out of service and as i see it there are those that want all paid so they can have control. Be it of men or money. Before you jump up and down I am a vol. Asst. Chief and also a paid Firefighter and still have a business to run when I get off duty from the paid job. I see both sides and I don't like where i see the outcome of either side coming to. Saftey gooruus demanding more training so vol. can't vol. and new laws put into place with now funding for paid side. There is a lot more but i hope you get my drift. I am my brothers keeper, get out and do something good for yourself VOLUNTEER you will be shocked at the new you.
Awesome idea and I really like the idea of having hands on labs for people to try. This is fantastic.

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