I am sitting in the lobby of the Indiana Convention Center.
This is whacker paradise. Tables and tables of STUFF.
People are carrying bags brimming over full.
I will be reporting in periodically.
Got the wireless laptop.
I haven't seen the FFN/FR team yet, but I will.
I am incognito today. Bet they don't recognize me.
I like that.
Hope I brought enough money.
Just got a call from my buddy Tiger.
We are going to meet within minutes.
I am giddy.
Talk to you all later.

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Enjoy it down there. Me and a few from our dept are heading down tomorrow morning for the day.

Art, you should have left your money home, you know you are going to spend it, and then you will be
looking for a ATM, LOL Enjoy, be safe
I can only hope he remembers who brought him back a Mickey Mouse fire department patch from Florida.
Tiger and I had a nice lunch at Champions today.
Met Chief BillyG and Dr. Harry Carter. I have been reading their stuff for years.
Got to go to Loughmillers and meet some jakes. Maybe the rock and roll show.
Then a late dinner.
Got tomorrow to plan for.
Thousands of people. Tiger knows most of them.
As I said, I am incognito. No one recognizes me until I give them my card.

Hope you have a blast. Wish I was there!
If you see anyone from IACOJ, give 'em my regards please. FDIC is some of the best training available anywhere.
Once new Firefighters get their basic certifications, such as State mandated FF1, FF2, etc., and get a couple years actual street experience, the type of training offered by FDIC and the other related competitors training will help fill in the gaps of what ISN'T usually available locally. This is where real fireground proficency training can begin.

Sadly, becouse logistical problems encountered with facilities, vendors, contract workers and lodging, the East Coast lost out on the FDIC East. Considering the number of firefighters on the East Coast, the workload in many of these larger cities as well as the volume of volunteer firefighters, this is a termendous loss to the thousands of firefighters who cannot afford, or their departments cannot afford to send them to Indiana.

There has been a few people who have attempted to get the 'powers to be' to regain interest in the FDIC East, with an excellent location offered that could easily accomodate the crowds, the vendors, and offer the required lodging, solving most, if not all of the logistical problems of the past.

If the firefighters of the East Coast could somehow besiege those responsible for the planning and organization of the FDIC to again consider a location that would accomodate everyone's interest, it may be possible to resurect this excellent training program. Apathy is our greatest enemy. I am hoping that enough interest is out there to support this endeaver.
I'll be there tomorrow. MTFD will be in the house.
I can tell your having fun, The way yesterday went and rain last night, I should have gone...my loss, but hey, the mushrooms will be up today. If I may make a suggestion, stay away from Papa Johns pizza:)
Sweet, sounds like a lot of fun! :)
Had the pleasure of meeting Chris Naum yesterday. That was a real treat. He is such a tactician.
I failed to mention that I met most of the FireFighterNation/FireRescue team. Of course Dave Iannone, Chris Hebert, Paul Andrews, Tim Sendelbach and Shannon Pieper.
Thank God Tiger has his GPS. I have gotten lost numerous times. Dude; Where's my Car? What street are we on? Man; I hate getting lost, but that was a good thing last night. Tiger and I went to the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation benefit last night, so after being there for a while, I thought I'd better walk the two miles and move my car closer to where we were going to have dinner. I finally found underground parking that cost me 25 bucks, but hey; it's INDY. Anyway; after parking, I was lost. I called Tiger. He talked me to where he was at. But, as I was standing in front of Shula's, I look down and there's Loughmiller's. I went in, walked through, I didn't hear any jake talk and walked back out. I was smoking a little cigar and sure enough, bunnie62 walks up to me. We had a nice chat. I had to leave for a dinner and I will meet up with him again. He lives like 10 miles from my son. That was nice.
Today, we will see if Tiger wins that fire truck for his friends. We will be there for the drawing. Please say a prayer, cross your fingers and hope for the best.
Got in about 1:00am this morning. Up at 7:00 am. Went looking for the Harley shop and of course, I couldn't find it and got lost. Man; I HATE getting lost.
I am glad that I changed my plans and came. It has been a very humbling experience.
And just so you know; the FireFighterNation/FireRescue booth has been smokin' hot both in terms of visitors and the young ladies working hard to make their presence here known.
It will definitely jump membership, without a doubt. T-Shirts were FLYING off the table. I'm wearing mine today. Dave made me!:-)
However; I DID manage to sneak a couple of Harley things on. Won't tell you where!
Trainer: you want something from FDIC? I want mushrooms. Seems fair, no?

See you later.
Art i'm glad you are having a blast. Keep us updated. ;-)
Shula’s….wow you got the company card with you??? Tell the boys from AFE hello, wait a minute did they take you there?? No chassis yet went over and looked and I found no shrooms maybe next week.

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