I am upgrading from my issued rubbers to leather structure boots.  I am wanting my brothers and sisters to make recommendations on their favorite model. Also looking at the zip up style leathers as well.  We have a hazmat team and we have rubber booties for that, so hazmat concerns wont be handled in these bad boys.  Just MVC and dancing with the devil is where I will be using them.  I am in the midwest and we have some snow and ice on occasion but the leather guys hold up just fine.  My feet are long and narrow so if anybody as similar feet and have a good brand please speak up.

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Warrington makes a nice boot.
i have had a pair of globe, black diamond, and thouragood leathers they were all good boots. good padding and kept my feet dry. didnt have a problem wearing them all day.
i have been wearing globe boots for the past 2 years and have had no problems out of them, they are very comfortable and keep my feet dry.
We are all issued Globe leather boots in DC. By far the best boots I've ever worn. They feel like I'm wearing a pair of sneakers.
We have had very good luck with the Thorogood Hellfire's. They are very comfortable and easy to get on and off.
Try on as many as you can. Everyone's feet are different and not all boots are shaped the same. Also, consider where you live to some degree. Some of the harder soles get very rigid in cold weather and are like ice skates. Some of the softer soles are more comfortable, but wear out faster.
I just got a set of globes so far I love them. I had some  thorogood boots before this and they where ok. 

From all what I have seen it's globes or Warrington


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