Looking at fire company and manufacturer websites I notice more and more companies going to silver over red. Black over red has become increasily popular but I'm wondering if silver will overtake black because of visibility issues?

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my question is who picks the colors? silver don't know if i would like.
I know what you mean Craig, we changed to black over red in 1997 for our Centennial. We were white over yellow before that (yuck). After that, most of the surrounding Fire Departments followed our lead and over the years, they switched to black over red. The funny thing is that each F.D. has a different shade of red. Ours is Dodge Viper Red, while our neighbors to the north have more of a dark San Francisco style red. So far though, I haven't seen any silver over red rigs in the Chicago metro area. I take that back, Gary Indiana has silver or gray over red rigs. Not bad, but I prefer black over red. Stay safe!
Gary, IN is actually running with blue over red on apparatus. It's actually kind of cool.
Oops, my mistake. Now I need to find the photo of the silver over red rig I saw and find out who it belongs to.
One of your companies in Delaware had a black over lime green. Very cool looking. http://bowersfire.com/ We were the one of the first to go with Black over red about 20 years ago. Now alot of companies have it in the Delaware Valley. People thought we did because we're a predominitely black fire company. But the chief and some others wrecked our new van and the replacement was a black over maroon caravan. When we had our engine refurbed we went with that combo.
the emergency squad in the next town has all silver ambos and rescues with a blue stripes..
Black over red....what does that remind me of?

We have Boar's Head here in Chicagoland also. I laugh every time I see one of those trucks. Nice looking trucks though.
The next town to the south of us used to be black over lime green/yellow. Now they're black over red like us.

I still am partial to the all black, all 4-apparatus we have are black
Our Fire Dept here in Vermont just got two new trucks, both Silver over red, they are really sharp looking!

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