Can anybody out there share with me the following if you are a fuly paid department:


  1. Department Name and location
  2. Initial assignment on a single family dwelling (ex 2 Engines, 1 Ladder)
  3. Minimum Staffing on that alarm (Ex 3 on Engines, 4 on Ladders)
  4. Size of Department (example 3 Engines and 2 Ladders)

Any info is much appreciated

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1. Green Bay, WI
2. single alarm, 3 engines, 1 ladder, 1 ambulance, 1 batt chief
3. 18 (4 man pumps, 3 man trucks, 2 man (min) ambo, 1 chief)
4. 7 stations....engine at each house, 2 full time ladder trucks, (1 part time depending on staffing) 4 ambulances, 2 battalion chiefs
1. Elmira Fire Department - Elmira, NY
2. 2 Engines, 1 Truck, 1 Deputy Chief (+1 mutual aid Engine from volunteer FD)
3. 10 FF Minimum on duty (3 on each Engine, 3 on Truck, 1 Deputy Chief)
4. 3 Stations (1 Engine Northside, 1 Engine Southside, Truck and Deputy Chief - Central)
(10 firefighter minimum staffing per shift)
1. Syracuse Fire Department - Syracuse, NY

2. 3 engines, 2 trucks, Rescue Company (Heavy Rescue + Light Rescue), District Chief

3. Engines (4) / Trucks (4) / Rescue Company (6 or 7)

4. 10 Engine Companies / 6 Truck Companies / 1 Rescue Company

* The above does not include their ARFF station which covers the airport.
** Haz-Mat Company is run with the manpower from Engine 5 & Truck 3 if needed
*** Once a "working fire" is given, a 4th engine is added to the alarm for RIT, and an engine is moved up to cover the area at one of the stations on that alarm. Also, a second district chief is dispatched, along with the duty deputy chief.
Thanks a lot folks this really helps a lot!!
I forgot to state that the mutual aid engine is sent as a RIT unit.
1. Washington, DC
2. 5 Engines, 2 Trucks, 1 Rescue, 2 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Ambulance
3. 4 on each engine, 5 on each truck, 5 on rescue, 1 chief and 1 aide(sgt) in each chiefs buggy, 2 on ambulance
4. 33 engines, 16 trucks, 3 rescues, 7 battalions including special ops(each with chief), few hazmat units, few fire boats, heavy rescue crane, foams units, and a ton of other special units.
Philadelphia Fire Department

Two engine companies, two ladder companies, and a battalion chief for a dwelling fire.(Known as a "Tactical Box"). A good dwelling fire will sometimes be upgraded to a full "Box", which brings two additional engines, one BC, the Heavy Rescue or a Squad company, and an ALS Medic Unit.

Engine companies run officer and three, ladder companies officer and four.

Fifty-six engines and twenty-seven ladders. (Lots of other stuff)
1. Hilton Head Island Fire & Rescue, Hilton Head Island, SC
2. 3 engines, 1 truck, 1 medic, 1 battalion chief (1 of the engines may be a quint)
3. minimum staffing per alarm - 14 to 16
4. 7 full time stations, cross-staffed engine/medic at 5 stations, cross-staffed quint/medic at the other 2. 1 truck company, 1 battalion chief. Unstaffed heavy rescue/USAR, hazmat, 2 engines, 2 medics, 1 truck, 2 large brush tenders, 1 air/rehab utility, and a rehab bus along with a couple of small boats. 6 staff chiefs and a Training Captain also respond situationally and cover a 2nd battalion when B-1 is tied up. We also staff a part-time cross staffed engine/medic that is used to cover stations that are open due to training or high call volumes. That company works 40 hours per week (4 shifts, 10 hours each).
London Fire Brigade (England)
2 Pumps
5 per Pump
(Response times, within 5mins 58%, within 8mins 90%)
170 dual-purpose Pump Ladders (plus 40 reserves and 25 for various training purposes) (P or PL)
16 Fire Rescue Units (plus 3 reserves and 1 for training) (FRU)
14 Urban Search & Rescue vehicles (with five different types of equipment pods) (USAR)
11 Aerial Ladder Platforms / Turntable Ladders (ALP/TL)
10 Incident Response Units (IRU)
9 High-Volume Pumps (HVP)
8 Command Units (plus 1 reserve) (CSU)
7 Fire Investigation Units (FIU)
6 Operational Support Units (plus 1 reserve) (OSU)
4 Hose Layer Units (HLU)
3 Bulk Foam Units (BFU)
2 Detection, Identification & Monitoring Units (DIM)
2 Scientific Support Units (SSU)
1 Fire Investigation Dog Unit (FID)
1 Media Resource Unit (MRS)
1 Fireboat (plus 1 for training and exercises) (FBt)
Andy, could you please define the role of the "incident response units" and the "operational support units", what they carry, and how they are staffed?

Also how many fire stations does LFB have?

I was surprised to see the relatively low number of turntable ladders (aerial ladders) used by LFB. My department only has 7 stations but we operate 3 front-line turntable ladders and a reserve.
1.) Lake Charles Fire Department/ Lake Charles, Louisiana
2.) 2 Pumpers(Engine or Pumper/Tanker), 2 Ladders, 1 District Chief, Assistant Chief, 1 Safety Officer, 1 Investigator [Generally the Assistant Chief will monitor over the radio from his office unless he feels like going to the scene or is specifically requested by the Incident Commander to come out.]
3.) *MINIMUM* 3 on Engines(750gal), 2 on Ladders(350gal), 2 on Tankers(1500gal pumper/tanker)
4.) 10 Stations/3 Shifts:8 Engines, 5 Ladders, 2 Tankers, 3 District Chiefs (Per Shift), 1 Assistant Chief (Per Shift) ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of 39 on duty, generally 48 on duty.
Are your ambulances doing fire supression on the scene or are they just medical with that response??

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