I am constantly looking for new and interesting training classes. I look for online courses and ones that are held in a classroom. We can never have enough training, but that is my opinion. Let me know what you think.....

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Looking for awesome training opportunities that are free? These course are only available to US Citizens working for approved agencies that include fire departments. Click on the below links to learn more.

Homeland Defense and Security: COBRA training... These are webpages I put together after attending this training a six years ago. It was one of the most valuable and well organized training course I have ever taken over my 30 year career, and it's free, all expense paid... Just apply online.

Learn more about the Center for Domestic Preparedness
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Nuclear Response First Responder Training: DOE Nevada Test Site training... The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Nevada Test Site (NTS), is designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as the National Center for Combating Terrorism in responder preparation. The Nevada Test Site’s technical strengths and scientific infrastructure make it an important part of a global network of multi-user training, test, evaluation, and demonstration locations used in the war against terrorism.

Bombs and Explosives: New Mexico Tech training site... The challenges facing the emergency responder community are evolving rapidly in today's security aware climate. EMRTC has been a leader in providing DHS approved training to qualified First Responders from all over the nation. EMRTC will continue to provide training to our nation's First Responders to help them effectively respond to events involving explosives.

Stay safe and train often!

LOL @ the "DISCLAIMER"! I usually have to say that at least once a day to some people. I totally agree with the experience can't be replaced by classroom training. I use all of the training classes I take, whether online or classroom, to be my guide to thinking up scenarios to ask others how they would approach different situations. Thanks so much for your comment, I love knowing that I am not the only one that feels this way about training. Be careful and stay safe!!!
Training is a "HUGE DEAL" to me. I am a young firefighter (30 yrs young with 12 yrs in the fire service), but I was taught the old firefighter ways when I started out. A lot in the fire service has changed since 1997 and just in the last 5 yrs for that matter. I know from my own personal observations that if I had stopped training after I learned the "basics", I or someone on my crew would have been injured or worse. I refuse to let that happen on my watch, so I may end up being able to wallpaper a small house with all my training certifications, but I will make sure my guys and girls are safe. Thanks for your comment, be careful and stay safe!
LOL Well your Dad must have made his way through my first department too. That was the main thing that was said over and over to me and others when we first started out. It is the creed that I live by and I will never stop learning. Thanks for your comment, be careful and stay safe!
I personally think that you've had enough training when you finally get to your retirement party!
Thanks so much for the information. I hope you don't mind but I would like to forward this to my Chief and Assistant Chief. I know the last one sited (Bombs and Explosives) isn't the same as the one I took through my state's Fire Marshal's Office but I will say my class was amazing. We actually built bombs, placed them in areas where other groups had to detect them and then got to blow "stuff" up for 2 days. At the time I took the class, no one knew how important a class like that was going to be for our area. I am located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia and only about 2 hours away from Washington, DC.

Our area is small but we have many Government facilities located here and all of them could be targeted for attacks. I hope and pray I never get called for one but if I do, I am glad I had the opportunity to be trained for such an event.

Thanks again for the information. Be careful and stay safe!!!
LMAO!!! Well knowing me, I will probably still be sitting in a classroom, on my computer or in a field somewhere when I am 90 watching a training session, just to see what's new. Thanks for your comment!
Tammy, are you serious? I presume your just looking for comments. After 28 years I am constantly looking for ways to improve my ability to do the job batter and safer. When we stop training we better step aside and not become part of the problem.
Thanks for responding, Chief. You were right, I was just looking for a conversation starter. I have been in the fire service for 12 yrs and I have only recently come across an individual that thought all the training he received in 1989 was enough to do the job. Needless to say, this individual is no longer fighting fire with our department or any other for that matter. Anyway, regarding my post, on my other networking site profiles I enjoy sparking conversation about anything and everything. I try to keep things interesting and I think the responses I get show just how passionate some people are for what we do. I hope now my question makes more sense. Again thanks for your comment. Be careful and stay safe!
Training is much needed but rarely provided item in any job. Living in Michigan I can tell you this, if you are planning on moving to this state from another, don't bother getting any training from anywhere else. I moved here from New Jersey and recieved much training from Rutgers, community colleges, nearly all the training academies in the state, a university in Florida, and still Michigan refuses to recognize any of that training. I believe training should be done at least three times a month (maybe more). I am sure that many will agree with me that once a week would be sufficient.
We are life long students. The world changes and we have to change with it. The moment you fall behind or think that what you are doing is right with no exception, you need to quit! I think we can all think of individuals that fit this description and they are no longer useful to the fire serivce. Just like apparatus have to be tuned up or replaced, so does our thinking. Great Post Tammy!!
In my opinion show me someone that says "I dont need anymore training" and ill show you someone who is going to get themself (or someone else) hurt or even worse. in this ever changing world we need to keep on top of the ever changing way to SAFELY do our jobs.

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