Ok, i don't know if this topic was posted before, but i'm sorry but this is a major issue with my department and I am in desperate need of some help before things go south in a hurry.  So on to my topic.  I am currently serving with a volunteer department that has absolutely no accountability or anything like that for fire scenes.  We have no i.d. tags for our firefighters, we have no b.a. control boards, no incident command/incident command boards, no rit teams or any kind of staging areas.  Not to mention the whole fact as soon as a member is brought aboard, once they are given their pager and their gear, they turn them loose, let them get on the truck with little or no knowledge of the fire service what so ever!  So please, if someone could help me out here on how to get this implemented in a department in which the guys running the ship are in the "old school" mentality and aren't focused on this end of things or when the issue is brought up, you are laughed out of the room.  So like I said, if someone could help me out here i'd really appreciate it.  Thanks again.

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Cheif Sharp I know you don't like people bitching about their superiors as you are one and you tore a strip off of me once for bad mouthing my cheif but seriously I think he wants a safer and better place to work and the clowns he has running the hall don't sound like they are leadership material.As a cheif would you run your station like this?From what I have read in posts from you I don't believe so and Iwould hope that you would understand why a guy is looking for help on ways to change things.
I think it is a sad state of affairs that an FF cares more for accountablity and safety than it's station chief does.If I was a chief just the fines and possible jail terms for a FF death or injury alone would be enough for everyone to follow rules.
I think that he respects his chief but is at wits ends on how to get him to change his mind-set and make it a better and safer environment and tired of smashing his head off a brick wall.Sorry butI'm with him if my cheif laughed at me if i brought up a safety issue there would be sparks shootin out the top of my head.
Thank you Richard! this is exactly what i'm trying to get at here, and you are right, this is sad when a 7 year f.f. is more concerned about saftey then his cheif who has been in the fire service for over 30 years. And yes i do respect him as a fire cheif, but i don't respect the way he runs his fire hall and how he has complete disregard for guys saftey....
this is exactly what i'm looking for Mike, thanks for the tips, and i've seen a few other departments around my area, and i've seen this velcro passport tags before, another department had magnetic tags they put on the side of their trucks as soon as your get out....and i will probably be emailing you in the future to get some training tips and some more help, thanks again
FF30 we use a velcro tag system as well but the tags are 1" x 3" and they have clasps that hook to the back of the helmet the first tag gets velcro'd ont a board to show what unit you came in and then the second tag gets velcro'd to a board which shows where you are at in the fire scene. (I.E. hot spot,sector,recovery etc.)It works good we used to have a guy that was older that ran the board steady now he is retired so now we have to pull a FF out of service to run it but it needs to be done especially at a structure fire.
yea, i'm taking all these ideas into consideration when i go about trying to get this stuff implimented into this department. And your accountability board sound very simple but very useful at the same time, and i guess this would be a good way for the new guys to get familiar with the fire ground
Hey Sask/Alta ... I have been through your CITY quite a few times. I am quite surprized to read what I just read from you, and need to ask, is this the CITY of Lloyd dept, or is it another dept. inthe rural municipality? Not that it matters, a fire dept. is a fire dept. and the appropriate levels of safety within the operations.. including but not limited to SOG's/SOP's need to be followed. You can send me a message if you want. I am interested in knowing more.
I never would have thought that the dept. in that city, would be run the way a small village with 2 fires a year might be run. In fact, I have a very difficult time believing it is actually the city dept. Please enlighten me.

Good luck. oh, and NEVER EVER breathe any amount of smoke.
Sorry man you don't have a "Fire Department"...You have a social club that likes to pretend to be "Firemen"....Does anyone ever attend training...? Is anyone even certified for interior ops...? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.....I wouldn't walk out on them......I would RUN...!!!
My suggestions are still the same BRO. If you are not the Chief or the leadership of the department your solicitation here isnt going to help you. My suggestion is to speak with your leadership or find a new department. You are fighting a battle that is valuable is a no win situation unless you get the leadership of your department to by into it or be willing to change. I am not BLASTING you nor condeming you. I am just making it very clear to you that we are not going to afford you any change to your circumstances. You are not the first nor last to unfortunatly be facing a leadership that may not be leading in a aprropriate nor considerate manner. The fact still remains if they arent willing to change your only option is to leave. Sad to say but thats it Bro. I am not replying to you as a Fire Chief supporting the Chief or leadership. Your right, this is only my opinion and should be considered as just that. Good luck with what your dealing with.
Thanks for all your imput guys, even if it was a little negative from one of you......I can completely agree with you guys when you say "get the hell out", but I get out then what happens? The department keeps going the way it is and the inevatable happens, with one of the guys getting seriously hurt or god forbid killed, and i don't want that to happen. I know i'm not a captian or a higher up, but what i am is a concerned firefighter about everyone's safety, and if we had alot more guys on this department like my self then we'd have a much safer and better "system" in place.......
I sure didnt mean to come across as negative. I am glad you got some good suggestions. However, how will they be implemented if you are being met with resistance? Your desire to make your department better an safer is great. However, you will need the support of the leadership to implement them. Sorry you were offended by my comments. Good luck.
Chief Sharp, I am having to apologize for some of the reply's you read from me, I'm not intending to come off as an a-hole, you just need to see where i'm coming from on this, i've been on this department 7 years and after two "close calls" it opend my eyes to what needs and has to be done on my department in the ways of safety and when no one wants to do anything to change it, it's very frustrating from my standpoing, and i guess my only other option is to go to OH&S (Canada) to see what they can do for me, I've been compiling info from other departments and like i said, all the other suggestions i've gotten on here and hope to have something to present to either our department leaders, or to OH&S.......
cool! no problem Bro.

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