Around here every department has a different color helmet for thier firefighters. We have white for chief and asst. chief. Red for captain and leuitenants. And yellow for everyone else. Saftey officer is blue. But the neighbors have black, and the officers on other are different colors. This makes it hard for all of us to decifer officers from firemen. If we went to one helmet color for everyone it would make it easier for us to tell.

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Are helmets are Chief - white, Capt - Red, LT - Orange, FF - yellow
Chief & Asst. Chief White
Captains Red
LT. Black
FF Yellow

I do agree that having a color standard would make it easier to tell who is what when we respond with different departments, but with that being said red is my favorite color so lets make sure that red is for captains;)
we do the same our chief and assistant wear white captains wear red and firefighters wear black rookies or probies wear yellow and the spare helmuts we have are blue
Paul Conway traditional style helmet with FDNY style leather front. Explorers have modern style helmet.

White = Chief & Assistant Chief
Red = Captain
Orange = Lieutenant
Black = Sergeant & Firefighter
Blue = EMS Only
Yellow = Explorer
Black with green shield = Probationary
EMS Officers = Color coded with their rank with Star of Life in each tetrahedron and blue writing on shield.

Our county does not have a set standard for colors. Every department makes their own choices. I wish that our county would get a set standard so when several departments are on a call together it is easy to tell rank. For example one department has red for both Captains and Lieutenants. Another department has all yellow except for Chief's, you just have to know what person is what rank.
With us, we have white for Chief/Asst Chief... red for officer' or yellow for fire fighters. It's funny. We used to be pretty simple in this area, now we've seem to have people wearing whatever they want. It seems to be a trend thing. Yellow was it for awhile, now I seem to see more n more black. It would be nice for some type of standard, although, big city full time departments are different from rural small town departents! Which way do we go?
you do bring up good point because mine are chief and asst white officers red ff black and jr yellow
in my dept. the chief, asst. and 2 captains all have white. the LT and saftey all have red. the rest of use all have yellow
In the county I work in has white for the chiefs, red for the officers, in all the departments, but each department has their own color for the firefighters, Black, or Yellow or even different styles of helmets
in my department the firefighters and probies get black the captains have black with a red leather shiled and the chiefs have white
Erin make sure that the stickers and paint are compliant. They could void the warranty or even break down the integrity of the helmet.
i started a topic on this subject 2 years ago,but color choice is all up to the person(s) in charge of ordering equipment,usually fallowing the nearest city's paid dept.,most times.But there is those whom differenciate.Here is my dept. and ems squads helmets:
FIRE:All Traditional Style except noted:White-Chief/Asst.Chief;Capt.-Yellow w/White Shield;Lt.s Yellow w/Black Shield;FF's Black/Black Shield;Fire Police-SlimeLime(Hard Hat);Safety Officers-Red w/White Shield;EMS Capt.-Blue(Turtleshell*wears Black FF hemet @ fires);Explorer-Orange(Turtleshell)
EMS Squad(All Turtle Shell):Director,Asst.,Capt's & Lt's-White w/White,Blue or Gold Shield;EMT'S & Rescue Members-Yellow w/Squad Sticker or Blue Shield.Members whom also belong to the Fire Dept may wear thier Dept issued gear and helmets.

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