Well it is me again and as many of you know I usually speak my mind....Sort of the nature of the beast I guess.....I joined this site quite some time ago to share and learn from other Firefighters across the world wide web not some wannabee.....Sometimes I get slammed for what I say and sometimes I get to be the point of the joke....So be it...It's the same in any Fire Station....I wouldn't expect it to be any different....Now for my gripe....why is it when someone posts something that is quite obviously BS and we comment on it in that manner...all of a sudden "Comments are closed for this thread" Or we are thanked for welcoming new members....Keep your sarcasm....if we can't use it then neither should you...Yes,Chief I am referring to you..I never thought that I would ever talk to a Chief in that manner..but then again you aren't my Chief.  I think maybe it is time to take a break here...so to all my "Friends" I will say so long...I may stop by to see what is happening but don't think I will be signing on any further...I tried to delete my "membership" here but couldn't so I will just be a silent observer......I thought freedom of speech meant something but guess not.....Have at it all you "Wannabees" guess this is your site not that of real Firefighters and EMS personell......Paul Montpetit  (Notice I signed my real name)

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I"m taking FFN back from them! Who is with me? Paul?

"Fight and you may die. Run and you
will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for
one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell
our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take
our freedom!" -William Wallace
Always remember the words of Chief Brunicini from Phoenix...."Trying to slip something past a Firefighter is like trying to slip sunrise past a rooster" So when you see Bullshit..call it for what it is......bullshit
My bad Dust, I'm a dog guy so i forgot about the cat, good save man. By the way did you get a hairball from that.
Thanks, bro! I can't believe you'd forgot after all you renamed that cat Smokey. Legend has it that no matter how many baths that gave him over the years since the fire, he never stopped smelling like smoke. He still lives at the orphanage to this day!
Well, I hope you keep doing that and stick it out!

"Fight and you may die. Run and you
will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for
one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell
our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take
our freedom!" -William Wallace

....Or Mel Gibson, portraying William Wallace
Admit you were inspired after reading it...
I understand the sentiment here and I do hope the webchief is reading these comments as well. Yes, the tone and comments can be harsh to the "new" member in question here, but really, let's look at the circumstances a bit as well. The story is pretty far fetched, the person has zero years in, and there are just too many questions regarding the supposed incident that are not answered.

Then let's look at the subsequent thread about driving on ice....really? There is another thread already going on the exact same topic...how about closing the brand new thread based on that aspect alone, or at least "guiding" said new member on how to use the SEARCH feature or at least contribute to an already existing thread? Don't you think that stuff starts getting old to some of the regulars here?

How about the spelling and grammar? Seriously, even if the webchief isn't a firefighter, doesn't one think such poor grasp of the English language (from someone in the U.S.) leads to speculation about the seriousness of the poster? Does one think that if such writing was done on a fire report, that report would stand up in court? Absolutely not. Besides this particular incident....how many juniors/explorers/wannabes come here and say how they want to do the job and so forth, but easily dismiss spelling and grammar? I'm not talking the occasional typo here and so forth, but obvious disregard for a very important aspect of the job. Want to be taken seriously? Then at least try to write seriously.....not like some second grader.

That is the issue here, why is the new person or wannabe coddled here, especially without looking at the bigger picture? Instead of shutting down a thread with a sarcastic message about "way to welcome new members", look at everything at hand. If such a person, I don't know, walks into my firehouse and starts a conversation like this, you bet there will be questions asked and when things don't add up, there really wouldn't be much coddling.

Shutting down said thread may have been the appropriate move, but I sure hope that something was said to the new member about starting similar threads when there is ones currently going, about how proper spelling and grammar helps if one wants to be taken serious and so forth. After all how are we really supposed to "help" said people when there is flock shooting going on? Sometimes "tough love" is the best teacher.
I was inspired enough to want to pour a nice glass of scotch ale I have sitting in the fridge.
Paul, I don't always agree with what you say or how you say it but I will admit most of the time you have a valid point. Those of us that are truely part of the brotherhood understand that everyone here has an opinion and they are entitled to that opinion if we agree or not.
Don't let the BS artists drag you down or chase you away. Now is the time for us over opinionated a-holes to stick together and weed out the BS artists.....They're the ones that need to go, not you.
I think the whole lot of them should go start their own thread at www.getafinglife.com
"Braithre Thar Goch Ni"
(Real Name- Dan Siemer)


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