I see allot of rookies in here and I thought I would do a little informational segment just for your guys and see just how much you know and some of you lifers out there like myself lets help these guys and gals out and give them some food for thought and maybe give them some Instructions and some examples of what a Hooligan tool is used for or can be used for and how multipurpose it can be. And if you have any visual effects lets add them to the post. Now this is just a start and I just picked this one out of the Air. And if you have a story to tell or used this tool for something other then what it was built for share your story, heck I'm never to old to learn...

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Chief, I have to agree with Blair. This is a great thread!!! And you just happened to start out with my favorite tool of them all. The halligan always has been and always will be my favorite tool. It is so versitile I don't know why anyone wouldn't like it. I have used this thing to pop car doors, break glass, pull walls and some shingles with. If you have a stubborn car door in an MVA you can use the halligan to make a "purchase point" which means peeling back some of the door enough to get the spreaders in and get to work.

Keep this stuff up Chief!!!!

Stay safe everyone!!!
Good post Chief! Keep this up. Good info. And yes, never too old to learn something new.
I would agree, the older I get I think we have a need to get back to the tool's of yesteryear. I perfer the a metal cutting end on my. It work real smooth cutting a thin peice of metal, like an auger housing.
works great if you need to get through a a plaster and lath wall as well. Punch a hole, check conditions, then run the lenght of it inside the wall and pull down, after that flip it over and punch out he other side. Takes only a couple seconds and your're i nthe next room. also works great for self rescue in conjuntion with a rope

great thread, keep them coming

Ahhh...Old Ugly...one of my favorite tools!

This tool also works well(and QUICKLY) when you need to deflate tires to stabilize a vehicle(or stop an EToH-er from leaving the scene?). It does a NUMBER on sidewalls!

Crowd control has already been mentioned. Like the sound of a pump-shotgun being racked, the sight of Old Ugly commands respect!

Makes a pretty good "emergency" wheel chock.

BUt yea...it's also the chrome....


Good video showing forcible entry using the Haligan various ways.

This is such a great discussion. There are one or two suggestions on here that I have never thought of...maybe just because I've never encountered the situation. But as far as some uses for the halligan, we use it for anything we can think of. - breaking stuff, peircing a roof to use it as a step, forcible entry, search tool, i've seen it used for stabilization, as a battering ram, inprovised hose roller, jam it in the corner of a window to tie off to for bailing out. My company wlil use it for anything we can think of if it will work.
But thanks for the great topic. Stay safe
Just had to do this earlier this afternoon. Had 2 vehicles. One was smashed up pretty good in the front.
OLD UGLY!?!?!? Respect the halligan!!! It is your friend!!! LOL
Well folks its great to see everyone getting involved and posting lots of food for thought, like they say Knowledge is Power and everyone has the power to teach something new. Job wel done!!! I tilt my helmet to ya...And I to learned something new...
John, well done brother!!!! Folks this is one for sure to watch on techniques being used for forcible entry...
Paul one thing to remember most apparatus out there maybe not all carries a co2 extinguisher, thanks for shareing the info, job well done brother...

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