my career involved the polycarbonate helmets, not the leather... have to admit that your helmet is unique. I have never seen a brown fire helmet before, and it look great. Nice touch with the accessories. How much did this cost you, including the helmet shield? I would like to get one for my helmet collection now that I have retired after 30 years... thanks for posting your photo, which by the way is well done as far as composition and lighting...
ares were yellow and some are but then my assistant chief got me a black lid with a yellow leather shield so now its either yellow or black with yellow shield lid
In my department we have yellow helmets. The junior captain and lieutenants have Cairns 1010's w/ yellow leather shields, and the rest have Cairns 660's with yellow stickers on the front
When I was an explorer we wore black helemts no matter what style but we wore black gear since the department wore yellow so we would look different on a scene.