A YOUNG man riding a wheelie bin down a steep hill was killed when he hit a gutter and slammed head-first into a tree.


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Okay, I know what a tree is, but I'm a little fuzzy on the "wheelie bin" thing.
A "wheelie bin" is the Austrailian term for a wheeled trash can.
Can't believe I didn't know that one. I bet the trees are undefeated against "dudes" in wheelie bins.
He lived life to the limits and enjoyed surfing or skateboarding whenever he had the chance.

"He was laughing the whole way down,"

The quiet street is popular with youngsters who test their courage by riding bicycles, scooters or wheelie bins down the steep gradient.Mr Peake travelled 300m down the hill before tragedy struck.

A police officer said the group had been drinking before the tragedy.

"He was an extreme dude who lived life to the max," Mr Gorrel said.

All things considered, a rather ignominious ending.
I'm sorry but what comes to mind for me from this incident is "dude, where's my brain". Rolling down a steep hill in a wheeled garbage bin immediately sounds like a bad idea to me.
Darwin Award Material.

3AM and drinking, I would have never thunk it.

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