Jared. Thats an easy one to answer. I just don't know! I am not afraid to admit that when I don't know, I just don't know! lol
I suspect there are others that will know though.
Have no idea what you are talking about...if you are talking about rescue or escape devices it is NOT a "D ring" but rather a carabiner...and not a cheap $5 one it is to be life rated,osha, nfpa approved....
could be D elete Rings?
I never heard of D rings on a fire truck. Jared, puuuuuuuullllease expand on your request. TELL US what you are referring to, what you are needing ..oh well you know what I mean, explain explain explain... there are a bunch of us that are about to lose a good night sleep over this delema you have got us into.
I know what you mean now Jared. On many apparatus, (besides the roll up type compartment doors) many compartments have the D RING type latch. (twist to open). Am I right? is that what you refer too? do I get the gold star? awwww come on.. gimmme a ferkin star!!!! Anyway, what about them? let me guess, you busted one on your brand new million dollar pumper, and need to replace it before the chief finds out right?
Try the apparatus manufacturer. They might have some lol OR, sneak into the neighboring dept. hall after hours and.. no no no I am fn kidding!!!! do NOT do that. Lord knows we have enough trouble in the fire service without having to make more.
Hope this answers your question! what did we learn from this? lol