For anyone in East TX or Western LA, I will be facilitating a CTBS course on April 27th.  The course is four hours long and will run from 8-12.  Location to be determined based upon the number of students.  You can find out more information here:

If interested, I can be contacted at

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What the heck is a "Courage To Be Safe" course?


It's a safety class that builds on the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation's 16 Life Safety Initiatives---the 16 things that kill and injure firefighters most often. Within a couple of years CTBS may very well be required of all firefighters nationwide. It is already required in some states for certification. Had the class recently and was moved by the content. I highly recommend it.

In addition to what Norm said, it's about making decisions on the fire ground, at the station, responding and in your personal life that will enable firefighters to go home at the end of each tour or run.  It was developed in 2006 by the Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives team.  The program promotes the courage to do the right thing to protect firefighters from illness, injury or LODD.  during the course, we discuss LODD, the affect on survivors and hear from national leaders in the fire service and from firefighters who survived close calls.  Here in TX, it's a requirement for certification for both volunteers and career firefighters.

Not here, frankly I know about the 16 Initiatives, but never heard of CTBS. 


If you don't find a CTBS instructor in your area, let us know. I'd love to come visit. Bet Chief Dino would, too. Seriously, it's a great class and your training folks can easily get the train-the-trainer course once things get rolling.

Ah. . . .the land of cheese.  Might have to wait a few months till it warms up some.  The old blood's gotten kind of thin living here in TX.  I'll have to dust off a Bears jersey. . . :)

Ha Ha! I believe it would be safer there if you had the courage to wear a Packers jersey! Spring would be the ideal time to visit there and spread the CTBS gospel...Hey, I think Don has stepped away...

I had to go teach an Officer 1 Cert course.  I teach for the local tech college.


I encourage you to seek out a Courage To Be Safe Train-The-Trainer class (one day/8 hours-no charge) and begin bringing the program to your folks. Stay safe.

It is a requirement in Texas for Commissioned (career)  firefighters, and soon will be for Volunteers as well. My department requires it for all personnel including the volunteers and EMS.

So looking through the comments here and briefly looking at the link, this looks sporadic as far as implementation. A brief look at the Train the Trainer locations included places like North Dakota, North Carolina, etc.


So since a few of you are more familiar with this, what does this really entail? What are the actual costs involved? I know Norm and Dino mentioned coming to WI to teach Don, but realistically, there would be costs involved, what are those costs? Then what about the training seminars that are given, what are the costs involved with that? By cost I mean the aspects beyond the course content, such as travel, rooming, location costs (if applicable) and so forth. What is a dept typically looking at to send either trainers or to send personnel to this training? In those states where this is becoming mandatory, is this something the states are picking up associated costs for or something that depts are expected to pick up?



Part of this is to gauge what this training entails. When it comes to costs, that may be the "dealbreaker" for some depts. Regardless if the content and course is free of charge, they would still tend to see travel costs, perhaps OT for coverage, hotel, per diem, etc. If having trainers come up.....nice of Norm and Dino to offer their services.....but what would you guys expect to do that? I'm asking seriously. I can't imangine you guys would be willing to pay your own way for a training visit to WI.


Aside from the cost, what else does this course really entail? As Don mentioned, there is knowledge of the 16 initiatives that this course may entail. I also noticed a reference tab to the seatbelt pledge, which my dept and many others, have already sat through and signed. Aside from some emotional story telling in a video, what else does this course entail for a certification? For those of you where this is required, is this a recertification type of program that must be attended every so say that for bloodborne/airborne pathogen training? Or is this a one time type of certification? 



What I'm getting at here is that while Don and I may not have really heard of the course name here, it seems to me, we have already implemented many of the issues that this course may entail. Here In WI, this is not a required course for certification or even FFs, but many of the initiatives have been taught in trainings and so forth. I can say that we have had many trainings in size up, situational awareness, and so forth. So is there something more to this, or would this be more less redundancy?




The other aspect that I'm curious in is the instructor type of aspect. There have been recent changes for the State Fire Officer Certification to entail Fire Instructor Training. We have several members who are currently in a Fire Instructor course and need to have so many "shadow" hours for certification. As it is, there is trouble with several certified fire instructors to obtain enough teaching hours to maintain their certifications. So I could see this as perhaps something in which the material can be presented and gives a chance for new and current instructors a means to obtain hours. I'm just thinking that much of the same material and information is being provided and implemented already that this may not be something that cost would be spent on. 

Though I would not turn down an invitation to visit Don in Wisconsin, I cannot afford to pay my own way. I was joking, of course.

The CTBS course is being implemented slowly. A couple of agencies in Texas adopted it early, but I imagine it will catch on and eventually be a standard everywhere.

Every state, in fact every department will handle their implementation and expenses differently. Everyone in Texas who teaches CTBS receives only enough compensation to cover actual expenses. Travel, hotel and a couple of meals is all. So, if there is any tuition at all, it's very low.

My T-T-T tuition was $25.00 because of class size and the short distance the instructor travelled.

The content simply reinforces the 16 life safety initiatives, in many cases utilizing videos to tell actual stories told by survivors and fire service leaders. CTBS reminds us all of the common denominators that have been killing us for all these decades and will continue to do so unless we take a stand. I'm glad to hear you guys are already doing much of that. Many, mostly the paid departments, are ahead of the curve.

The choices, in some cases, are personal ones, extending beyond the fire ground and even beyond the station.

So, I hope everyone will eventually get to take part. I hope you'll agree we can't get too much safety training.


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