Hey Guys Just wondering what type of calls the explorers in your post get to run and are there any limitations and why not share some stories too!

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We are allowed to go to Structure, car, and field fires. We are not allowed to go to any hazmat or MVA.

uh. really don't have any good stories.
we can go to any calls but mutual aid's and well so far we dont have any intersenting stories. well one day i scared the shit outa another FF by something on youtube he went running outa the room screaming like a little girl
None....we choose not to have explorers as the liability is too great.....Paul
We get to go on anything, but as we are really rural, its mostly structure, Tc's, medical's, and wildland.
We Go On Everything, Mutal Aid, MVA'S, We can go to Wild fires but can be near the fire at all. We also have strict limitations on if something if grapic that they send us away and tell us to go home
Everything except MVA's.
mva's all they r really allowed to do is help someone direct traffic, structure fires they just get air bottle filled and help roll hose and if traffic controll needed help someone with that.others have little differ rules like brush fire and stuff like that
Ours are not allowed to respond to anything. It's a liability thing!
We have explorers, not sure how many but as far as I know they do not respond to calls here.
We do not let our juniors near the building or cars the mainly are for scene clean up and running cylinders to the air trucks.
Our Junior Firefighters train, are equipped, and respond right along with our regular firefighters. However, they are not able to go into burning structures unless it is during a "Burn To Learn" or training burn. We expect them to maintain a C average or above in the school grades and perform satisfactorily in school. They also must maintain appropriate behavior in the community. We expect them to behave in a manner that is professional and similar to what our Department represents in the community. Basically their main limitations is their time and age.
no highway, but u can get off for street mva's if deemed safe by the deputy chief, can go on hazmats but if they are really bad than no...everything else we are allowed on

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