We had a brush fire earlier tonight we turned up the pressure to like 250 PSI and it blew a hole into the side of the house about a foot or foot and a half behind the nozzle.Have you all experienced that problem before?You'd think a high pressure hose line should be able to withstand the pressure.Comments are greatly appreciated.
we normally fight structure fires unless the brush fire is close to a home but we use 2 and a half inch line..All it did was rupture a pin hole about 2 foot or less behind the nozzle it didn't blow completely just punctured.And yes they were other fire fighters around....for once we had a full crew to show up.lol
Whether rubber, cotton or synthetic jacket, all hoses can develop weak areas at the folds especially if it isn't rotated regularly. This is what appears to be occurring based on your description.
While it would not eliminate this from occasionally occurring, you would more likely to catch this problem during hose testing and not on the fire ground. Proper hose testing and rotating the hose loads will go a long way in limiting an occurrence.