24 hours on 24 hours off – Buffalo N.Y. Fire Department ????????

I don’t understand the logic but , I guess the B.F.D Admin/Union think there’s a need for it.

Most B.F.D dues paying members don’t know exactly how it will work . Most B.F.D. Members don’t even know the shift change is on the bargaining table at this point. That’s partly because the Union hasn’t presented a complete “Written Contract Issue Statement.”

Some Firefighters who have asked, “What exactly are we asking for?” -- are being told , “We can’t tell you what’s exactly being discussed.”

How can they discuss or even consider changing Firefighters work schedules and therefore family lives without a full disclosure and prior vote on this issue before B.F.D. Admin/Union decide what dues paying members want.

Whose agenda is driving these “Contract Talks?”

It seems to be a radical change to consider without complete prior “Members Approval.”

Just my thoughts – what do you think?

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