Greeting all, I am looking to make two, 10 question check lists for fire size up, one for officers and one for firefighters.
The goals:
First A list of ten things to ask yourself as a firefighter on arrival that address major common components of safety, the savable, incident containment, mitigation, stabilization.
Next A list of ten things to ask yourself as a officer on arrival that address major common components of safety, the savable, incident containment, mitigation, stabilization.
The questions:
1. Short is the key and topic is general, what where who, how many, etc.
2. Firefighter focus on things like personal and team safety, team communications, gear / PPE, tools, Escape & personal fitness / health.
3. Officer focus on topics like crew safety, resources, rehab, level of emergency, communications, command, operational sections,
The answers:
Please let me know what your mental checklist is and most important what are you looking to find out, obviously a question list is not going to yield multiple choice answers that cover the vast array of calls we might face. but the list of questions, developed or your own can keep the juices flowing in the brain.
If you can't or don't have ten to put out there, no worries cause there is no need to come up with ten, even one might make the difference.