We're all scared of something. Myself? Like Indian Jones, I'm petrified of snakes! I had one start chewing on my arm when I was about 13 and after that, never been the same. A call with snakes is the one thing that would DEFINITELY freeze me in my tracks. How about you? What call would/has stop(ped) you in your tracks? What scares you in the fire service?
Well I know that if my one neighbour's house ever goes up, I'm running the pump! She breeds snakes (which is actually where my incident occurred with one of the full grown, 13' pythons) and she has over 300 baby snakes in the one room!
Great job overcoming my fear for me though John! hahaha
NO! Children check under their bed for the boogie man, the boogie man checks under his bed for Chuck Norris, and Chuck Norris checks under his bed for me! lol
as i was sharing in my end stories - the definition of providing sufficient patient care was dramatically different in each situation - highly dependent upon my resources. In the one situation patient care required me to leave the patients to care for them and in the other, I had the luxury, of staying to personally provide patient care in the interim. Because of the first situation, I realized that it was a luxury to have extra people around to go get rescue services in the second situation.
It made me very aware that the ideal situation is rare; flexibility is essential; and we really need to cut ourselves and each other some slack in this industry. We DO the BEST we can with what we have - and that varies depending upon the situation. And the status Firefighter or Medic does not mean we are GOD ALL MIGHTLY and we need to stop expecting that from ourselves and those around us. We are all still human - with all that that encompasses.
mean-eeee... no letting kitties burn... that's horrible... you are getting some heavenly demotions for that comment Mr. Bad-Boy Ralph
One time, during overhaul of a leveled house - a long-haired kitty came smokin' out of the basement rubble... this house was burned to the ground - no walls even... not sure how many hours the kitty had been holding her breath - it was very "Pet Cemetary"
since we had several feet of snow - we smothered the kitty in snow to put her out - some neighbors took her to the vet & she lived...
home-owners were in Hawaii (pre-cell phone) and did not know their house burned down and they lost everything they own until 5 days later
but at least THEIR KITTY LIVED... though I have no doubt she used up at least 7 of her lives that day