Are EMTs certified to teach and certify citizens by American Red Cross standards?

Say a citizen wants to be certified in CPR-could they just come to the station or do they have to go to a red cross facility?

Are EMTs certified by the American Red Cross?

 If you are an EMT do you have to get certified as an American Red Cross Instructor before you can certify citizens?

Are EMTs certified with the American Red Cross-CPR, first aid,etc..?





By the way, the reason I am asking these questions is for my research report on Clara Barton and the establishment of the American EMS System.



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An EMT is not automatically certified to teach anything CPR-related to citizens. Any person wanting to teach CPR must successfully complete an American Red Cross or American Heart Association CPR class plus an instructor class.
This thread kind of verifies that not a lot of people bother reading previous replies. I think by the third or fourth response all of the OP's questions had been answered, clearly and thoroughly.
Only Red Cross certified instructors can do this (although most are EMT's) and it can be taught pretty much anywhere.
I concur Tyler
Hope this helps you, Rachel; In my experience as an emergency responder in the state of Ok and Tx, our CPR is not valid unless it came from the American Heart Association. I was allowed to gain this through "Career Point College", in Ok. I was also allowed to gain this through my Fire Dept. in Ok., which carried over to my fire dept. here in Tx. I later "renewed" my CPR through the Hospital I am now employed with-in Tx-through the American Heart Association; Via, my EMT coarse, Via, the Hospital. I have been told that it is not valid as a responder unless it came from AHA. I believe there is a valid equality through Red Cross. ( ? ) I do know that anyone can take the AHA CPR as long as they pay the fee for it. As far as legally teaching and certifying another, there is definite protocol on WHO qualifies to do that. Whether teaching citizen or co-responders.
But in order to be certified as an EMT in NY State you have to have a valid CPR card or certification will not be given. And EMT's are not certified to teach CPR. We have to take a coarse through AHA or Red Cross to obtain certification to teach CPR.

I enjoy these kinds of questions it shows public interest..... Seeing as the rest of my colleagues have answered you properly I will address one question you should have asked...

EMT's as you asked can only teach if they secure teaching certificates
This is the same as math teachers and others in our world you may learn the discipline but you need to be able to prove your ability to teach it in order to pass it on to others. That is why all states require instructors to be certified in the discipline they wish to teach particularly the medical field because you are entrusted with someone else’s life and are completely responsible for their well being legally and morally.

If we gave everyone the right to teach without guidelines required by these instructors the lines of training would stray left or right and most would be under trained by the standards set by the medical community. This is why we set such high standards and not everyone is able to teach what they learn unless the wish to progress to the next level of excellence in their field and become an instructor.

On a more personal note our county requires AHA CPR cert's for our EMT's some counties require others but the most important is the everyone that is able should learn CPR it does save lives and less than 30% of American's know how to preform it properly we all should be spreading the word. Learn it get certified it only takes 4 hours fo your time every two years to stay up to date.
Excellent point!

You know research is just that the more informaton gathered the more informed the answer. When someone answers a thread it does not make them right or correct. Seeing as there are 50 states and over 160,000 fire departments in the US do you think they all have the same standards? Well sadly no but they all have an opinion and those opinions are based on research (I hope) therefore the more information we can share the better we can help others. Thats why we respond to these threads to share experience and information to help get us all at the same level. I'm sorry but three or four responses are not enough to draw any conclusion from.
How true this is!
No, EMTs are not certified as CPR instructors. many EMTs and Medics are instructors however. To become certified you can go to a facility, or find a place in the community that is offering classes. I got my CPR card from Florida Medical Training Institute (FMTI) in Jax, which is also where i got my EMt and will go for my medic soon. EMTs and Medics here are certified by the Department of Health, and i assume it's the same for most, if not all, other states.

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