I looked for a thread, didn't find one, if I missed it, my sincere apologies.

In the fire district that I currently live in, there's an issue that drives me up the wall. They serve Beer in the Stations, there is an open wet bar, that the Firefighters can use anytime they please. I've heard from a few FF's that I met, they do it, but have rules about going on the calls. One certain rule is, they wont be able to respond, if they are "TOO DRUNK" to drive. I have also seen them on calls, oddly enough, they were "Toasted" in my opinion, they broke down the wrong door in a neighboring building,, let me rephrase that, 5 doors were torn apart, even after I told them the fire was over here.
I was also told, the drinking will stay, it's supported by a board of "The old guys", they are all retired volly's, the upper command staff take part, so who do you talk now. 

My question is, how many other departments allow this type of behavior.  

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agree with you, exactly my point
agree besides if you use good commen sense you wont get in trouble
Zero is the only answer.
Good looking chicks Chief, shame about the clowns in the funny uniforms who spolied the moment... ;-)
well i tell u wat if u drink u should not be putting on ur gear not matter if its one drink or not that is the fastest way to kill a fellow brother if u r leading the way into a buildin
Dude, find a safer department to join. That is just an accident about to happen.

My vols are not FD, however, in writing, signed agreement, not in uniform and don't show up under the influence of alcohol or drugs. What a marvelous way to instill public confidence.

You only have 1*, save it yourself.
Talk to your insurance company!

Define: too drunk to drive. Do you tale blood samples or do a breathylizer before driving or responding?

This whole issue is baroque and I thought this went out with open cabs and riding tailboards!

The drinker who is also possible a CDL holder for their real job will lose their CDL for an OWI thus they may lose their career. This is just plain dumb...... Been there done that but more than 20 years ago with difficult times to test new policies and procedures.

Good Luck
No matter how you view the issue, the above is the Public.
No alcohol on department property, period. Not even in personal vehicles. No public consumption of an alcoholic beverage while wearing anything with department logo. Any off duty drinking one does must have minimum of 12 hours from the last drink before responding (vol) or reporting for a shift.

Suspicion of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on duty, results in suspension until the p test is given. Fail the test... have a good life... somewhere else because it won't be with this department. Not much gray area.
It's a shame that a few wahoos still drink (or worse) in the Station. As a vollie in NY years ago, I thought this was an accident waiting to happen, especially when having the biggest bar was more important to some than the mission of the Department in protecting life and property. It also irked me that the ones who could buy the most beers and look the other way when certain people (in the right cliques) who were too intoxicated to safely perform were deemed the best officers! I'm glad to see that the majority of people have a much better attitude in this day and age. Still a way to go though.
You are not a fire department. You are social club
ower bylaws say no beer wine whisky or any other types of alcoholic drinks in the fire hall and the officers have had alot to do with this and im one of them that said no. we have a new building now and that was one of the chiefs chooses to put in the bylaws that there was no drinking while the fire hall at all " you want to drink you go home and stay home " . there is no drinking the the bays eather. This is a county building and there is no drinking in it . We have 19 firefighters on the dept and most of them drink so how many do you think show up to a call drunk, well to tell you there is several of us that dont drink so that leaves about 6 of them that do, so what do we do when they show up chief tells them to go home . So we have no drinking in the fire hall at all. and a wetbar come on people thats just asking for trouble if you ask me. I think that it realy need to be brought up at some meeting that there is no drinking in any fire hall anywere in the USA. They stoped smoking in public places why can they stop drinking in fire dept 's

thank you doug

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