Well should I join a department thats closer to me,and that can sign me up for FF1, and that can give me gear that fits and where i can make calls

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So many comments came to my head when I read your last post but I will refrain. On second thought that sounds like every rednecks dream.
Yes, Tim, there was a wide array of unspent ammo - more than enough to last any good redneck for more than a year - even if he shared with his friends.

The ammo and porno mags were quite well preserved for a total loss 4 story house. It happened to be in the one remaining corner of the one partial remaining floor (2nd) - and happened to also be near the victim - which ended up all being preserved in the pile of insulation which came down from the attic.

It would have been much more funny if we were not sorting pieces the size of quarters to find the victim still after 15 hours on scene.

But as we wandered down through the pile of mags - the ones of the top, bottom and sides were fried - the ones in the middle of the "collection" were quite well preserved - hundreds of them. We were never able to tell if they were in a cupboard or box or just piled in the master bedroom along the outside wall - next to the cache of ammo.
....as we were digging looking for the last body, we found ourselves standing on a large pile of porno mags and boxes of ammo.

Reminded me of this photo:

That is HYSTERICAL Lutan.
I can definitely see some volunteer stations being social clubs. We have a station in our county that when they come back from a call they sit back and have a beer while debriefing. But that's their policy and it's an old policy. If I'm not mistaken, it may have been recently changed as well.

I know our department about 10 years ago they used to sit in the bar and have dinner or a quiet debrief, but none drank. We stopped doing that when people in town thought we were responding after drinking, but it was just a convenient place to meet after a call. But back then we WERE more of a social club. We had a good core group of people who were always in service, always on call, showed up to all the meetings and a majority of the calls, and they weren't there for a social club. But there definitely are people in EVERY department that are there for the wrong reasons. Some not to be part of a social club, but to look cool cause they're now a firefighter or EMT, or because that makes them "hot" to the guys or gals they're trying to pick up in the local bar.

You're right in the respect that there are a vast majority of firefighters, volunteer and career alike, that work hard and do the best they can with what they have, but I'm sure even in your area there are a few people there that are there for the social standing it gives them.

Myself, I'm glad and proud to be a volunteer firefighter and am working on becoming a career firefighter, not because of social stature, although seeing the look on people's faces when they ask and you tell them is quite a great feeling, I'm also there because I want to help people, want to be a trusting shoulder to lean on in someone's time of need, to learn, grow and mature, and because I'm passionate about my job as a firefighter. I've wanted to be one since I was 8 years old, obviously for different reasons, but although my reasons have matured, my love for it hasn't changed. So now I put it to you all, why did you all join? reply on my post. http://www.firefighternation.com/forum/topics/why-did-you-join-2
That wouldn't work from ANYBODY. Well, maybe the Queen if she wanted to appoint me to the Order of the Garter... But that would only be 'kneel'; 'genuflect' would never happen ;o)

At least he wan't asking me to bend over in the shower and pick up the soap for him...
Excellent Point - it coulda been worse - ROTFLMAO
Lol the town I used to work in someone had turned an old Catholic church into a sort of Porn production place. I am very glad we never had a call there.
The nearest educational organisation to me that does the Public Safety (Firefighting ) Certs is Swinburne University (TAFE). How much of the Cert courses they offer to the general public I don't know, not interested as most of the training we do is in house (the CFA is an RTO). They are utilised by the CFA for some of the subjects we need, but not many.
We've just initiated discussions to start lecturing on behalf of Swinburne, Tony. (We dropped a few units/qualificaitons off our RTO scope as we didn't have a lot of demand, but made an approach to Swinburne to tap into their systems if we needed to access those Units again).

ALL of their courses are available to anyone who wants them. (Red between the lines- anyone who pays...)

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