Well should I join a department thats closer to me,and that can sign me up for FF1, and that can give me gear that fits and where i can make calls

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Oh, how I wish you were a Probie here.......LOL....By the way Probie status here runs a full year...and it is not only up to the board if you make it but the members as well with the final decision up to your "Mentor"....think maybe you should step back and do an attitude check...then proceed with caution....I am sure if you get that in check and with your enthusiasm you would someday make a fine Firefighter.....Remember the 3-up rule....#1...Show up #2...Keep up #3....Shut up....this was given to me many,many,many years ago by my first Chief and I have found it to be as important today as it was way back then with this wise ass kid he had to deal with.....(me) LOL
Not a "Yes Sir" industry over here Heather! A commissioned officer in the military was "Sir" (if a male!) back when I was in the Army. Not since then, not for me... A Police Officer can call me 'Sir" if he/she likes, I call them "mate". A pretty relaxed country we live in ;o) Agreed Luke?
A pretty relaxed country we live in ;o) Agreed Luke?

Tony- where you come from, up in those hills, you may think so, however for future reference, you may address me as, "You Higness" when you have been granted permission to speak to me, you low life commoner. And don't look at me when I talk to you- look down!
"look down" ? You're going to give me some money and I have to count it carefully?
Every State may be different....Here in NY it is 18 years of age...until then you are considered a minor and cannot give legal consent.....
At least he did not make you kneel or genuflect ...
its okay, i just am trying to figure out what im going to tell my current dept
Heather I have had to tell my chief no a few times, but when I did I had a very good reason(Safety).
Is that a "NO" or a strategic re-evaluation?
One was actually "Hell no are you nuts" we had gotten called to a house fire and the dispatcher had told us that there was "Large amounts" of live ammunition in the house. The chief told me and two other guys to go interior as we hear said ammunition going off.
Yes Tim - HELL NO Sounded appropriate with Live Ammo - maybe your chief needs a hearing aid ?

I remember during one fatal fire - as we were digging looking for the last body, we found ourselves standing on a large pile of porno mags and boxes of ammo. It definitely changed the mood as we scrambled to relocate ourselves in the smoldering mess.
He tried telling us that unless it was in something that would control the explosion and its direction it wouldnt be dangerous, my reply to that was if you think thats the case you get on the nozzle and go interior and I'll wait outside and we'll see if your right or not. For some reason he didnt go interior.

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