where i'm from it's a signal10. where i work it's a 13-35

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A working fire is when all the dispatched companies are committed to fighting the fire and a box is struck.
NYC city and Long Island:

FDNY 10-75 Smoke showing batalion chief's call usually
Suffolk County, where my Department resides 13-35 its the call of the Chief on scene for a retone
Nassau County, 10 Same as above
We call em 10-10's and for no working or false alarms they are 10-9's...um...everyone around here uses them, im pretty sure its this part of my state atleast
In Prince Georges County Maryland it is called a working fire. No codes or numbers or fancy colors. The number of pieces can go up depending on the call and then it can quickly become a three ring circus but that depends on the incident commander, some are good others need to sit back and let somebody else handle it.
Working fire! lol No codes here, plain English, works really well.
Clear speak is the only way to go.I've been thru 10 codes,color codes,clear speak is by far the best.ICS,NIMS,NRP also are mandating the clear speak standard.
Most depts here in MA call it what it is.. a "working fire" most cases it is smoke or fire showing in the small towns and the cities it has to be more.. More times then not if its a min of a 2+1 responce and the 1st due has smoke or fire its a working fire.
Plain english here.. working structure, possible structure, auto-alarms, etc. It depends on the situation. Most of the time it goes by the info. county gets and then it's up to the first unit there to confirm it.(If the caller isn't sure what's goin on... or if they say flames showing) We have a hospital in our area that always gets the possible structure label until we get on scene or they call and have it cancelled due to a false activation. Most of the other businesses in the are just go in as an auto-alarm unless someone there says there is actually a fire. I think the hosp. just got the poss. structure label because (well yeah, for the kind of place it is) but also cause people got tired of getting out of bed for auto-alarms there. haha j/k
Plain text here, so it's "Working Fire"

Back in the day it was "Signal 2"
over here in Pike County, P.A. a structure fire is dispatched as "A Possible Structure Fire" or "Reported Structure Fire"... once command arrives on scene, he/she notifies Pike Countly Communications Center if its a Working Structure Fire, or false alarm, or what ever it may be...10 codes dont really work in volunteer organizations. Not everyone puts out the time to memorize them or use them correctly, so we just say "received" instead of 10-4, and so on
Where im from its a Signal 45...
I work in a small town, but spread out. we have a central station (E1-3, LAD, SQD) and a substation (E2, light RES) if a call is recieved for the central or south end of town. The SQD go out on the investigation, if it's in the north end E2 goes. If something is found (or if multipal calls are recieved) they strike a box for the address. Witch gets everything moven.

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