one of my departments are getting ready to order new gear for all of us and i was wanting others opinions on these two...

MSA vs Scott airpacks


Morning Pride vs Globe gear

any experiences with the equipment or manufactures would be helpful.


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scott airpacks
janesville turn out gear
I had gear from both companies and never really had a problem with either, and I go back to the days before bunker pants when all we had were the hip boots and a coat.

As far as the SCBA I've been using Scott for 20 plus years and have never had a failure, partly because of thorough inspections after use and inspections once a week. Something to consider is what do your mutual aid departments use? Being able to interchange bottles at a scene or more importantly, if their RIT team comes in to get you you want them to have anSCBA that is compatable with yours. If you are laying on the floor wearing MSA and they come in with a Scott rescue pak that does you no good.
Not trying to show my age….

I have worn Scott, Scott 2, Scott 2A, Scott 2.2, Scott 4.5, as well as Interspiro, MSA, and Drager. In my book Scott was the must durable and reliable mask.

I have worn Globe for most of my time in the fire service but I am sold on Morning Pride after wearing it. We went with the FDNY specs and have been very happy with them.
This is a really good point, about interchangeability.
Scott, I think they hold up better in heat. I have worn both. For training only though.

Both Globe and Morning Pride have their good and bad to them, like anything it truely matters on your budget, your person need and the best to fit your department.
why settle for 2nd best when you can have the best. Scott air bottles are deff the leaader, and as far as turnout gear, globe is the only way to go, it lasts alot longer, and lighter, pretty much what everyone else said, but my dept run scott, and we are currently going to globe, we have tried different gear, and so far the best is globe.
our department has tried a couple of turnout makers other than globe and none compare. globe is by far the best i've seen. i havent seen them all im sure, but globe is the way i'd go if i was you.
I hate to disagree, but I have worn both in the field, globe and MP, and MP is by far the more user friendly and better fitting gear. The MP folks have put an unbelievable amount of real time testing and development into a product that is provably lighter, more flexible, and more breathable than any of its competitors, as well as more durable under field conditions. One example: replaceable knee pads. Why buy a new set of pants when you can just replace the knees and DOUBLE or TRIPLE the life of the pants?
Scott is a very good Pac and so is MSA. My department uses Scott and has for over thirty years. I believe the type of pack you use should be based on what you are used to and that it meets the current safety standards. Training should be considered and that is again based on what your department has been using. Both are very good quality packs. As for the bunker gear we have tried all brands Quaker, Globe, Jainsville and Morning Pride and for durability the Morning Pride stands out by far.

My department purchased ISI Viking DXL SCBA in 2002 with a AFG Grant, recently we started to have trouble with them. We only do about 250 runs a year, so they are not under any great work load. The bottle strap latch breaks with the slightest bump but worse yet, we had a regulator failure twice recently. Did you have the same troubles? How was the service? We are having a hard time getting the dealer to deal with this.
The only thing i have to say is that compared to Survivair systems MSA and Scott is amazing.
You know, you picked a subject upon which there is a great deal of brand loyalty. My first set of gear came from Janesville, and at the time, I thought it was so cool that I didn't even consider anything else, until a friend started talking to me about Morning pride. He handed me the catalog and said "just read it." I had a herd time finding the section on what products they offered, since so much of the printed literature was about the design innovations they had developed. I would urge you to not just glance at, but study in depth at the following link:

I am not a sales rep for Morning pride, just a customer, and having worn Janesville, globe, Lion and Morning Pride, I will urge you to try to find as much information on other makes of gear. I suspect you might spend more on Morning Pride, but the expense will be worth it in the long run.

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