one of my departments are getting ready to order new gear for all of us and i was wanting others opinions on these two...

MSA vs Scott airpacks


Morning Pride vs Globe gear

any experiences with the equipment or manufactures would be helpful.


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ok here it is air packs i have wore are scott 2a, 2.2 ,4.5, i have wore interspiro and are currently useing a drager air boss. of all the ones i used i have been using the drager for ten years now and drager is the best i think there are several reasons why i think so here are a few. 1- it is the only pack that can be used in 35 feet of water if needed.2- it is the only pack that the us govermant buys for the fd's in the coldest parts of the country like alaska becouse the regulaters don't freeze up. and it is the only air pack that you don't breath back thur the regulater.3- drager bottles can fit on to any ones packs that a 4500 psi set up .4-lastely you can pay to have members go thought level one and two techs to do in house service on parts that you would send out with others.

gear i have wore many types and i think that the globe reaction is the best for the money the moring pride has good points to it and so do some of the others i am on my thrid set of globe gear but only becouse my dept. buys it every two years and i am in the top numbers to get it each time .

hope this helps but all i will say to you is that you need to look at more than the highest price and lowest look at the service plan you would get with it . ours included testing for 6 six years on the packs and hydro testing the bottles twice. so good luck to you in this search
I have used MSA and Scott packs both, generally I think scott packs can take more wear in tough training . Also my 16 years on the job say go with the scott packs but remember they both will require maintenance. The gear is more about the cut,fit,liner type,outer shell type,alot of small details that make gear better like whoever you go with will they size you well? I have worn globe and it fit like a glove, loved it! Would like to buy morning pride but the cost difference I do not think is worth the differences but they do have an awesome DVD about gear that may help you. I presently have Janesville gear and would trade it back for Globe if I had the option. If money is no issue then research the MP real well and get it!

Gear is almost the same, Morning Pride, Globe, X, Janesville...
Good to know,although I have not seen that to be true in our State except for passenger vehicles, light trucks.
Morning pride are the best! I have janesvilles at my volunteer departent and they don't compare to my work turnouts! As far as scbas look at draeger. The most comfortable mask you'll ever wear. Also they just came out with a new model with quick bottle disconnect and all of the nice stuff. You won't find a more reliable scba out there!
Who is your dealer? Why will they not deal with this?
We run with the MSA's. Ran the old style with little problems, and after doing trial runs with Scotts as well as the new MSA's, decided to go with the MSA's again. I personally wasn't able to try the Scotts, but am very pleased with the MSA. I would suggest doing the same as we did. Try to get a few of each from a representative, and let your firefighters use them, see how they like them/dislike them.
I know your after a comparison of the 2, but I figured Id just throw in that I like the Dragers over the Scott pack. As far as the gear goes Ive had a Janesville set, and currently have a FireDex and a Globe set. The GXtreme tends to get REALLY heavy when it gets wet, I've had my Dex set for goin on 3 years now that I wouldnt trade for any other set out there.
I have morning pride and it is one of the best quality gear out there scott are awesome ...MSA is alright
As you can see from all the reply's, personal preference has a lot to do with packs and gear. My dept has Globe and Dreager packs. Love both for weight and ease of motion.
I have been through the air pack comparison many times and about 2 years age did several field trails between Scott and MSA... We let everyone on the department try on both packs ,change out the bottles etc.
Scott was the winner by about 2-1.
As far as turn out gear I would again let your vendor bring in some samples , check for durability but also comfort and weight. Both the vender's you mentioned have a great gear but ultimately you have to live with the gear you choose.
I have used both Scott and MSA numerous times with various depts. at fires. They both work great and each has its own pros and cons to them. I believe the most user friendly pack is the Scott. for comfort drager makes a awesome ergomomicaly designed air pack that is wicked comfortable to wear. for gear the as above i have had sets of both, and I personaly prefer the globe gear. to me it seems more durable and lighter then the other manafactures out there. all in all with today's technology out there, not matter what you get it all has passed testing by safety inspectors and they all work and hold up well in todays fires. Just remember they all have differences and work alittle bit differently but the outcome should be the I encourage you to call dealers in your area and test out the pack and gear before you committ to buying anything.

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