My son and I were talking about all the great ideas that happen while on the pot. I have my own business and it seems I always come up with a new marketing idea or solve some type of issue I'm having.
One thing I noticed overall is that mans greatest ideas and advancments have come after the invention of the flushing toilet.
What great ideas have you had while on the pot?

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I was going to answer with the obvious line. But it's so obvious I won't.

I don't remember having any great ideas whilst sitting on the throne - but then maybe I've never had that many great ideas? But if whathisface gained inspiration when having a bath, why not the toilet? Thinking while on the throne... Hmm. Everyone knows Rodin's sculpture 'The Thinker'? I wonder where the idea for that came from?
I think I've solved some quantum mechanics issues, and who is the hottest to ever be on the cover of MAXIM magazine, at the same time. Isn't pooping great. Thank You toilet!
I've had quite a few ideas whilst on the throne, but they were all crappy ideas! LOL Someone had to say it. Stay safe!
That when the pager seems to go off..................... oh no!
He was thinking....." I pay my quarter or is it just a fart..? "
I'm sure someone came up with air freshener while "taking the Browns to the Superbowl".
I can't think of one in particular right off hand.BUT I know when I have a problem to solve that's the first place I go to figure it out..... And you know what I usually am able to solve the problem! Oh how great the pooper is!
I have to say no great idea's .. My time for hiding at work,call lights can not find me in there.. Pt's family's can not find me in there,but the newspaper always finds me in there .. so for me the greastest invention of the bathroom would be hiding spot at work
If you ever need a good potty, my sister Kathie Murphree works at Nolan Company in Memphis, TN and does bath's and kitchens. She is presently working on Morgan Freeman's house down there in Bruce, Clarksdale, Pontotoc area. She can get you a good deal on a potty or jacuzzi!! While you are sittin' there thinkin' up ideas how to make money for your business, you might want to stop gruntin' long enough to figure how much you can affod to invest in the legal 'pot' market! You know the old addage: "Where there's a need--FILL IT!!!" (They come in Gold Plate also, saw on Yahoo news in Singapore.)
.."A Fireman never dies, he just burns forever in the hearts of the people whose lives he saved"
....(My Quote in memory of Chief Chuck Boone Marianna Fire Dept.deceased)
Also, just wanted to let you guys know that I am new to this site and am not a fireman nor EMT. I loked my name up on Google and ran across a guy named Dark Nite-FF/EMT whos used my quote. Wanted to let him know it is O.K. as I gave permission on and that anyone may use my quote as long as they put my name on it. I'm an artist, and as such I'm working on a painting of Firemen Saving Lives. I have photos on of Practice Day where they are burning down a house in my neighborhood and there is the shape of a face to the right like Mr. Boone is looking down on his buddies and on the left looks like 2 firemen standing in full gear in the smoke from fire.
IDEA: The Military makes a plastic coating for helecopter blades to prevent rusting. It's also bullet proof.Perhaps, your companies could "Invest A Little To Save A Lot" by purchasing some to put on your vehicles for when you have to go into bad neighborhoods like mine and school shootings amd riot areas. Also, investing in rubber glove companies as you EMT guys sure do leave tons of them in the streets after a call! It would be like re-investing in yourselves! Do they not have containers for you to put used gloves in especially if you have to deliver babies from women who have aids?
Welllllllll, I have worked out a few ideas on how to "fix" different things while on the squatter. For 1 thing it is the ONLY place I ever get quiet time or privacy of any kind & it seems that every time I get in there @ home, someone comes knocking on the door needing me to hurry up. I want my OWN!
Yes, we have standard proceedures for disposing of contaminated gloves and other protective equipment as well as sharp objects, and for storing soiled linen until it is cleaned.

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