  • 75, Female
  • Arkansas
  • United States
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SusanDianeMurphree's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Marianna Arkansas Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
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About Me:
There are many SusanMurphrees I'm 59yrsOld,White,5ft6&half, have 1 22yr old son(ChanceHalleyMurphree),I'm an artist,write poetry,wood carve,read a lot, yard work,sleep a lot due to illness.
Probably won't be on this site much. I don't do friend invites on sites as this, just comments and surf. I'm poor so I CANNOT PAY FOR ADVERTISING ON MY SITE.(However I was a commercial artist for Austin Hoffman & Associates, Advertising for 2 yrs. and other places.Designed raccoon logos for MidAmericaTours,L.R.and various friendsThought about site designing but don't think so.
Day Job:
I'm on disability
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
So that I could reply to DARK NITE, to give permission and thanks for using my "Firmen never die, they just burn forever in the hearts of the people whose lives they saved"that I put on in memory of our slain Fire Chief, Chuck Boone and also on
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I'mNOTin either,don't plan to be,59,too old,got son2raise,danger'sNOTmygame
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safer better equipped trucks, bullet proof vests when transporting gang members and killers. The plastic used on helicopter blades to prevent rust is lightweight and bullet proof, could be used on windows of trucks. Also, skiing companies make a cellphone glove-you talk into your hand, and they make a spring action harness that straps above & below the knee for people whose knees are giving out which helps lift them back up when they bend. Saw this in Popular Science. Pity you guys can't get spaceage lighter weight clothing. The #1Chief in the sky said, "Where there is a question..there IS an answer..JUST ASK!"

My Photos

Photo..... 1 is of Me and my son. (SusanDianeMurphree&ChanceHalleyMurphree)
..............[taken in 2005 or 06]

Photo 2...2 is MariannaFireDept. burning old house down on East Side St. for practice and
............ training day.I see a face in the smoke. Could it be Chief Chuck Boone,
............. (deceased) looking down on his buddies? In the smoke to the left of neck area of
..............the big face, I see 2 firemen in fullgear standing and looking on.
..............[taken Oct. 2008]

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 9:03am on November 3, 2008, Ms. True said…
No, I've only worked in Fort Worth.
At 8:25am on November 3, 2008, Dennis Brown said…
Thank you for your kind words we need more like you out there you have a grate day yf Dennis
At 11:08pm on November 2, 2008, Tana Todd said…
Becoming a 'friend' means that you are interested in them. You look at a profile and something looks interesting to you. I know that just because someone goes to church doesn't make them good or bad, but it gives you a start on something to talk about. The only way I give out information about myself is if I get to meet them (in person) or a friend of mine knows them.
At 9:10pm on November 2, 2008, Tana Todd said…
In response to your posts about what religion has to do with it: You do not have to have a religion to be a friend of mine; however, there are a few of people on these sites that are looking for more than just friendships in the fire/ems service. By looking at some of the pictures and reading some of the posts, all some are looking for is sex. I did not say that if you are not a christian you are that way; but I deal with too many people in my life right now to worry about being friends that want to corrupt my beliefs. I asked the question about church because it possible gives some info on that person. Like I said, you don't have to have a religion; this just lets people know that if you want party buddies (drinking, sex, etc), you are not a friend for me. Sorry to have offended you or anyone else. Thank you for writing. Hope one of these days we can meet.
At 1:59pm on October 31, 2008, Dennis Brown said…
Welcom Susan to FFN from the jersey shore be safe out there
At 1:57pm on October 31, 2008, Don Sims said…
Welcome to the nation, from the mountains of E. TN.. I hope you have a great weekend. Take care and stay safe.
At 4:46pm on October 30, 2008, jason head said…
welcome to FFN frome mena AR
At 6:44am on October 29, 2008, Tim Meckler # 575 said…
welcome to the family susan diane
At 3:14am on October 29, 2008, michael m madsen said…
Hi ! Welcome to FFN! ,,,,hilsen Firefighter from Denmark ! michael madsen.....:-)....just check on my friends....:-)
At 1:42am on October 29, 2008, Jenny Holderby said…
I heard that quote in 1985. I didn't know it was yours.

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