Ok time for a new Blog,
I have noticed while doing this Job the amount of Brand New EMT-B, that have just got there ticket and head directly into a Paramedic school,I am not bashing any of you for this I think you have the right path in mind. I do have to say this though,take a breath before you leap, it is alot to handle when you become a Basic, let it get into your blood, make sure you have the confidence that you can walk into a room with a person that has a medical condition,and you feel confident that you can Identify that this person really isn't feeling well...or you can walk in and say yep this is a BS call..........give yourself at least that yr or two of standing back and watching another medic who has been in the field for at least 5 or more yrs. They can teach yo alot.
I have been a Basic now for 5 yrs, and I am PA certified and let me tell you I love each and every Paramedic I work with and I respect them for everything they do..I love my Job and I am now ready to take the next step but it is not straight to Paramedic, it is time to move to the Intermediate level, and to do that for a yr or two until I get the comfort of knowing that I can perform my Basic duty and then my Intermediate skills...Well like I said in the beginning, don't rush it sometimes we loose our selfs in becoming as high up on the line,, that we forget that most of it is in Basic skills.. if you have that feeling of discomfort about that call just think how you are going to feel reading that EKG strip,tubing,medications,IV fluids. Take your time and let the knowledge sink in........................
To all the Paramedics in this field, Thank You all...I am so proud to have the chance to work and learn from each and everyone of you.......the story's,the friendships,and the knowledge you all bring with you when you come in for your shift is so amazing.