My F.D. had it's Centennial back in 1997. Since then I've been to several Centennial celebrations for surrounding F.D's. I was surprised to find out that some area F.D's are only 50 years old or so, some are even younger! Just curious how old everyone else's F.D's are. I'm sure there's some Departments on the east coast that are getting close to their Bi-centennial.
The West Point Fire Department located in West Point KY south of Louisville and north of Fort Knox on the banks of the Ohio River was started in Sept of 1904. We are a small department with 17 firefighters. Like everyone on the job. They lite them we fight them....Chief Jeff Wright... 33 years on the job
I might screw this up.....but I believe our department was formed in 1927.....If fact we still have our first engine that the department bought....its a 1929 Sanford...and believe it or not it will still pump out 750+ gallons a minute...Stay safe all....and as always....keep the faith.............Paul
our dept desoto fire in desoto mo is 115 yrs old. our first recorded firetruck was a hand pulled cart with leather buckets, ladders and a axe. it was produced by the local blacksmith shop that in later years became our original station.
I love that kind of history. We still have our first hand pumper (pulled by horses back in the day), it's an 1897 Howe. I'll have to post a picture of it later. Stay safe!
Our current station was built in 1955, it has a social hall, living quarters, and 4 bays. Located directly across the street is the original station that was built in 1895. It still has the hayloft and original brass pole from the sleeping quarters to the stall for the horse and the cart. Both are showing wear, but its kind of hard to come up with a couple of mil to build another, so we make due.
My dept started in 1828 with Fire Wardens and the expectation that all residents would assist at fires. First organized volunteer company formed in 1834. In 1878, all volunteer companies disbanded and the all career fire dept was formed. Still an active all career dept to this day.
The department I am on was founded in 1895 and we are still in the same building too. It real cool I think. So i guess that makes us a 113 year old department.