My F.D. had it's Centennial back in 1997. Since then I've been to several Centennial celebrations for surrounding F.D's. I was surprised to find out that some area F.D's are only 50 years old or so, some are even younger! Just curious how old everyone else's F.D's are. I'm sure there's some Departments on the east coast that are getting close to their Bi-centennial.

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Hey Brian
We are 57yrs old and still running strong.
Our department we formed in 1903. One of the first hose carts the boys pulled to the fires that was purchased before the volunteer fire company was formally started.
I have been researching how old my department is and just recently found the charter and my station was formaed in 1933. I am still looking to make sure of it though.
Estacada Fire is 107 yrs. started as a railroad township FD befor the city with rural protection along track and dam buildings.
I've been protecting The Village since 1881
See my profile
Congratulations Brother wish the guys the very best in Reading . I am active in Irwin Fire Dept in Western PA we are off exit 7 of the PA Pike.Stop in if your ever in the area along with every other Brother that particitipates on FireFighter Nation. Hughie 57 House Westmoreland County,PA
Reading always puts on a great State Convention. Hughie 57 House :-):-)
My dept. was started in 1920. Our first engine was a 1920 Ford Model T. All of the original components, hoses, ladders, nosels, etc, are still on it too. The motor, although rebuilt once, still runs and we use it once a year for our town parade.
Hampton Twp Fire & Rescue was established March of 1999. I believe we may be the newest Fire Department in NJ. Located in Sussex County, Hampton Twp was covered by 5 surrounding fire departments. With the higher demand of those 5 townships for more town contributions we decided to start our own. Manned with experienced volunteers from the 5 departments we were able to secure a grant which allowed us to purchase land, build a modest building and pruchase a pumper, and a tanker. With lots of hard work, donations, and federal and state grants and almost 10 yrs later. We now have two firehouses, two pumpers, one pumper/rescue, one tanker, one I/C vehicle, and two ambulances. We have almost 70 members on our roster with 43 of them also either first responder or EMT certified. We started a First Responder program a few years after forming the Fire Department which quickly grew into a full blown Rescue Squad within our Fire Department. It was a lot of hard work but we came away with a great department with a lot of great members.
Well Brian, In one of my old vollie outfits "Old Mystic FD" the department was founded in 1837 and they still have they're Hand tub which isnt operational, But its orginal , In My other vollie outfit Mystic H&L this is the 125th year of service to the community.

On my Job, The City was incorporated in the 1830's and the Vollies were replaced with a career force in the 1860's The City was a huge industrial center at the time as were many of the New England Cities, with Factories that made everything from Corsetts to Firearms (Union Metallic Cartridge and later Remington Arms), Elias Howe Sewing machnes/ later became Singer,
Brass Foundries, even those Beed Chains used on electric lights (and everything else) were made here, Imagine responding on a horse drawn steamer or wagon six blocks NE of the house to a wooded area of 120 acres and once inside there are 20 or so underground bunkers where Remington stored its Products during the production period between say the Civil and Spanish American or 1st world war.. The Remington Factory Buildings, Now vacant are huge 4 story ordinary we've had a few jobs in a couple of the buildings the saving grace has been The Fire doors and extra that went into the construction and compartmentalization in case of an incident when the factory was going full production... yes stuff happened quite often I have heard, But nothing of epic proportion thanks to precautions
LocustGap Fire Co. in Locust Gap, Pa. had it's 100th in 2005.
Hightstown Engine Co. #1, NJ Est. 1835, so we're 173 years old.

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