Have you noticed that some discussion threads just vaporize?
Here today; gone today?
My opinion is this:
A thread should NEVER be deleted by a moderator or the thread starter.
If conduct is the issue, then delete the post AND the poster. Many of us conduct ourselves with a certain sense of responsibility and can convey our opinions without throwing out personal attacks or by using obscene or offensive language. Good discussion and information is lost when an entire thread is deleted and I can't speak for you, but I come here to learn about others, their fire departments and their tactics.
I have spoken to WebChief about this and he knows my opinion. I want to know your's.
Did you know that you, as the thread's starter, can delete the entire thread, if you don't like what's being said? That's just ridiculous. I mean; the first opposing opinion that is stated and POOF! Thread starter doesn't like it; therefore, the thread is gone.
So, what do you think? Should discussion threads be deleted or should inappropriate conduct be dealt with instead?
It starts now.

Views: 204

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Hey, check out the blog "Follow Up". She did it!
You may not be the forum police Art...but clearly there is a need; I find it insulting and disrespectful to delete an entire thread's worth of discussion simply because the answers were not the ones sought.
I have a problem.
If I use Mozilla browser to start FFN, I get a Java error.
If I go to Internet Explorer, no problem.
However; when I get an email link to a discussion, I click on it expecting it to go to FFN and the last reply and I get a Java error.
WebChief is looking at it, but I know it has something to do with Mozilla and Java between this website and my email, because the others work. From Firehouse.com, etc. they all work. It is just FFN and me.
xChief, what email program are you using? I didn't get your forwarded e-mail ....

You're using a Mac or?
Also what version of Mozilla.
I sent the last two to cooldave.
I am using Outlook Express with Internet Explorer 7.0
Firefox is
Java is standard edition 6.
Here is an email link that doesn't work with I click on it.
It has been doing it for one week.
Did we do something last Sat. or Sun. that could have changed my settings, because I haven't done anything different, unless there was an automatic update that I don't know about, but my computer is suppose to tell me even with auto updates.
It's frustrating. I hate it when I can't figure out a problem.
xchief....try dave@firefighternation.com ... I think you are using the wrong GMail account.

The link above appears to work fine, though. What happens when you click it from here?

I'm using Firefox as well as are many users so perhaps there is some sort of security block.

Please resend the email with the link....and Ill try it in a few different email programs.

It works from here.
But as I said: I opened FFN with Internet Explorer because I get the same Java error when I try to browse with Firefox.

I'll re-send
That's really too bad. There was some honest and heartfelt answers in there. If you ask a question and expect an honest answer, you should not always expect it to be the answer you were looking for. Also, in the case of Rachael Wilson, I think it is also fair to say, aside from the failed portion of the agility test (twice), she was set up to fail, I would almost assume (and only my assumption) in an attempt to prove she did not belong (one of the fired Lt's was quoted in one article as saying, "Well, she didn't belong here anyway" as if it was somehow her fault she was hired). She was not given proper PPE, she did not have a radio (nor did her crew), she was not aware additional fires would be set in the light weight construction building. Many infractions, many fines and many firings later, her children are without a mother, she died after suffering in hospital for hours in incredible pain, lungs burned literally to a crisp. The mayor was kind enough to give the family full LODD benefits which is not usually the case for a recruit. She had the drive and the determination and the love for the career, and God rest her soul, she paid the ultimate price for being "hired anyway."

Is this what we want to see for people who may not be physically able to do the job? We say, there is a job for everyone, but when the shit hits the fan and you are called upon to do something that "wouldn't normally be your job", can you do it? Can you perform and save a life, even your own? These questions need to be answered and weighed very carefully before considering this career.

Sorry for the soap box, but we lose enough good people every year, don't we?
Exactly... she was a dispatcher and wanted to make the crossover to suppression. She likely had no right to be there, but her drive and determination are what pushed her on, and as I said, "she was hired anyway." It's too bad. It does a disservice to the department, to the community and above all to the candidate and their families. Sad state of affairs for sure.
The webmaster also holds the capability (or should be able to) to archive discussions so that the "dated" material doesn't become unwieldy and bog down the site....but with hundreds of new Nation members joining daily, at what point does the discussion or topic become dated or irrelevant? It's all brand new stuff to them, isn't it?
I think that when someone posts a forum discussion, regardless of the feedback, he or she has a responsibility to the entire membership to "let it ride".
For the record, there is no need to delete something to save 'server space'

Discussions should be closed, not deleted. If I had the option via the platform to not allow users to delete their own threads I would use it.

When its available, we'll set it so users cannot delete their own posts. Until then, for the sake of moving on here, this thread will be closed.

Old threads serve many purposes, both from a search and research standpoint.



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